VIDOS Island Photo: VIDOS Island

A small pine-forested island of VIDOS is just half a mile from the Old harbour of Corfu town. Known in ancient times as the island of Hera VIDOS occupies an important place in the history of Corfu.

Approximately in the year 80 A. D. here was built the first Christian Church of St. Stephen. But unfortunately, the temple has not survived to our days, as it was destroyed by the British. In the ruins under a mosaic floor have been found ancient vessels. This suggests that the Church was built on the ruins of an ancient temple.

During the Venetian domination (15-18 century) created a special tunnel that connected the war with the island of Corfu. Convicted criminals from the Old fortress were forwarded through this tunnel to the island, which was a kind of "Alcatraz" for Corfu. Some remains of the prison structures have survived to the present day.

VIDOS island has always been a strategically important facility in the defense of Corfu. After the Venetians, the island was heavily fortified by the French, on which remained the name. Later the British took VIDOS and destroyed almost all the old buildings and fortifications. In 1824, major construction began, the UK has allocated an astronomical amount of money. So VIDOS island has turned into an impregnable fortress with perfect defense system. However, after the annexation of the island of Corfu Greece fortifications were destroyed.

The island is Serbian Mausoleum – a monument 1232 Serbian soldiers who died from the plague and hunger, protecting the island of Corfu. There are always flowers, candles and photos and special Commemorative Book in which you can write your gratitude.

Today, the picturesque VIDOS island is a favorite destination of tourists. Pine forests and secluded beaches create a unique atmosphere. And only in the tavern you can enjoy traditional Greek cuisine and wonderful views of the sea and Corfu town.

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