Vidomosti reserve Photo: Vedomosti reserve

Vidomosti reserve was founded in 1957, Although the special flora was famous and interesting botanists since the middle of last century. This late date of establishment of the reserve related to the adoption of the law on nature protection in the Estonian SSR only in 1957

The reserve is situated in the Western part of the island of Saaremaa. The main purpose of its creation was the preservation and study of relict communities and rare plant species. The reserve is primarily famous for its plants. The fauna did not cause much interest. It is home to the most common fauna of the island of Saaremaa. In the reserve 16 species of mammals (squirrel, badger, ROE deer) and 61 species of birds (including 2 rare Tengmalm's owl, the tawny owl). The flora is represented 662 species of plants.

The reserve area is 0, 6 thousand hectares, and the area covered with forests, is 0, 5 thousand hectares, the length from North - East to South - West, 6, 5 km and width of 700-1200 m. Due to the richness and diversity of the plant world overseas and many of our botanists call it the natural Botanical garden.

The hill, on which there is a reserve, rose from the sea about 8000 - 9000 years ago, and nowadays the highest point is 54 m above sea level.

Vedomostia the slopes of the Central highlands Saaremaa especially interesting geomorphological formations. These slopes, amid the flat topography of the island are distinguished by ledges of bedrock and subsoil; soil cover represents the strata of the Silurian limestone, moraines and sand. On Virumaaskogo upland originate many small keys that are at the foot of the slope form is quite extensive key swamp with significant deposits of peat.

Distinctive features of the landscape Videomessage reserve slopes are covered with forest and ecologue, and key bog with shrubs. The climate of the Western part of the island of Saaremaa, including Videomessage reserve, sea, soft. Period without night frosts lasts 175 to 200 days. The warmest month is July with a temperature of 18-19°. Annual precipitation 490-640 mm. Permanent snow cover, on average, from December 27 to March 23, is charged 78-85 days.

In the hillside and swamp in key growing rare species of relict plants of the Baltic States. On the slope and plateau Videomessage reserve forests of various types: alwernia, lichen, Heather.

Alvernia forests cover 95 ha. Forest layer is represented by Scots pine, Norway spruce, and white birch grows, pedunculate oak. In the shrub layer mainly hazel common and slightly less common juniper. In the grass layer dominated by meadowsweet šestilepestnyj, ordinary woodland, geranium croviana red, mallow, and some other species, preferring lime-rich soils. For alvaredo forest type is also characterized by rare in Baltic ivy, and Sorbus Aria is a very rare tree that nowhere in the territory of the former USSR, except in this reserve is not found.

Heather and lichen forest types distributed small spots in small areas (11, 5 ha). Dominated by the ericaceous forest type in which the championship is pine, slightly less than spruce, shrub layers a lot of juniper. The herb layer is composed of a small number of plant species.

The greatest distribution in the reserve got, like bilberries, celicnimi and zelenomoshnykh (total area of 187 ha); dominated by brusnichnik.

All of these forest types, the predominant tree is the pine, there are also spruce, aspen and birch. The undergrowth is characterized by the model for the Baltic conditions shrubs. The grass cover is represented with various types of forest plants; cranberries are either ordinary or common sorrel, or blueberries, or green mosses. Although overall grass cover are generally rather sparse and poor types.

Rare type of forest is a pine forest with oak understory. It grows on the plateau and at the foot of the slope. This type of forest is considered a relic, the occurrence of which in the present climate period. In the forest floor along with the pine oak height of 10-12 m; meets and spruce. The herb and shrub layer is diverse enough (geranium croviana red, meadowsweet šestilepestnyj, Kozelets low).

In addition to these, the reserve also extended to other types of forests: complex with deciduous elements (75 ha), lowland forest (29 ha) forest and transitional bogs (19 ha).

It is home to rare plants such as Oxytropis hairy, chin black, polka dot Kashubian, peas chinavally and hunter mountain.

Key shrub swamp is a valuable Botanical treasure Videomessage reserve. Its area is 77 ha. To more rare plant species include the following plants: sword - grass, pemphigus small, liparis Lesele, Mytnik Charles scepter. Endemic to the island plant is Pogrebok ezerski. This plant grows only on an island of Saaremaa.

Rare plants are intermediate sundew, irenka Alpine, kokoshnik aromatic, horsetail sereosuly and hybrid Cheusov rusty and blackish.

The Museum's main task is the study and conservation of relict communities and rare plant species. Here are held annually observation and extensive research. Currently composed of a large-scale map of vegetation Videomessage reserve.

This is a great place to walk and enjoy the fresh air, the solitude of nature, escape from the bustle of the city, to see the rare species of plants.

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