The Island Of Pantelleria Photo: The Island Of Pantelleria

Pantelleria is a small island belonging to the province of Trapani and lying 100 km southwest of Sicily and 60 km East of Tunisia. The area of the island – a total of 83 sq. km and Its highest peak is Monte Grande (836 meters) – has numerous fumaroles that talks about the volcanic origin of the island. However, the only historically attested eruption took place in 1891 – it was underwater.

In the northwestern part of Pantelleria is the capital of the island with a population of only about 3 thousand people. The fortified city stands on the banks the only harbour available, but only small craft. You can get here by ferry from Trapani or plane.

According to archeological studies, the people on Pantelleria appeared about 35 thousand years ago, and it was Iberian or Ligurian tribes. In 2-1 Millennium BC lived here society, left behind buildings, is extremely similar to Sardinian Nuraghe. Then for some time the island was uninhabited until it was under the dominion of the Carthaginians, who considered it an important item on the outskirts of Sicily. It happened around 7th century BC, the Carthaginians had built in the hills of San Marco and Santa Teresa, located 2 km South of the modern capital of the island, the Acropolis. From a preserved stone walls, cisterns and water tanks, several graves and the ruins of the temple, in which were found terracotta figurines.

The Romans finally took Pantelleria in 217 BC, used the island as a place of exile of important officials and members of the Imperial family. Replaced the Romans came the Arabs, who in 700 BC, destroyed the entire population. They gave the island its name, which means "Daughter of the Wind" - due to strong winds blowing from the African coast. Saracens could only banish Roger Sicilian – the decisive battle took place in 1123.

In relatively recent times – in the years of the Second World war – on Pantelleria was located Italian base torpedo boats that participated in the attacks on British convoys. In 1943, at the time of the allied landing in Sicily Pantelleria was subjected to massive bombardment from the air and from the sea, after which he was captured.

Today the island, which is called the "black pearl of Sicily", is a very popular tourist destination. On its Western shore, you can see an ancient settlement, surrounded by a shaft of obsidian blocks and with 7, 5 meters high and 10 meters wide. On the territory of the settlement were discovered the ruins of a hut with pottery, which are now kept in the Museum of Syracuse. In the southeastern part of Pantelleria are the aforementioned "sesi" - burial, similar to the Nuraghe of Sardinia, but smaller. They consist of round towers with the burial chambers. The largest tower has a diameter of 18-20 meters, but most of the "sesi" three times less. Were also found in ceramic products.

In addition, Pantelleria is famous for its sweet wine, Moscato di Pantelleria and Moscato Passito di Pantelleria, made from local grape varieties "zibibbo".

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