The ruins of the Mayan city of the Xpujil Photo: Ruins of the Mayan city of the Xpujil

The xpujil is an ancient archaeological Mayan monument, located in the state of Campeche, near the modern town of the same name the Xpujil.

The name "the Xpujil" from the Mayan language translates as "tail of the cat" and does not pertain to the animal, the so-called local plant. The first settlements on the territory of the city date back to 400 BC pre-Columbian period of development reached its apogee in the 500-750 A. D. and died about 1100 g, when its inhabitants have left the city forever. It is relatively small when contrasted for Asmali or Chichen Itza.

The ancient city was rediscovered in the late 30-ies of the last century. Today, there was found 17 different facilities. This place is never crowded with tourists, so there is plenty to enjoy the silence, walking through the ruins of the ancient city. You can wander wherever you like and where you can get, at least formally, to climb the ruins is prohibited. Will warn you about this at the entrance, but watch out for the execution of this instruction, no charge.

For a walk around Xpujil you will not take a long time, then you can explore the nearby historical monuments, for example, in the Bekaa and the Calakmul.

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