The Tula theatre of puppets Photo: Tula puppet theatre

The history of the Tula state puppet theatre starts from 10 February 1937, when the youth Theatre actress lisovska N. And. and artist Checkbook N. P. was put on a puppet show called "Pushkin's fairy Tales", which was dedicated to 100-th anniversary of the poet's death. So in Tula was born puppet theatre.

Creative recovery theatre troupe began in 1997, when the darkness came a new Director Ryazantseva N. And., people are energetic, enthusiastic, and he knows all the subtleties and complexity of theatrical specifics.

The theatre pays great attention to the repertoire, which includes classics of world drama (J. B. Moliere, William Shakespeare, Charles Perrault, B. Brecht, H. C. Andersen, the Brothers Grimm), Russian literature (Pushkin, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, N. Gogol, P. Bazhov, folk tales), as well as contemporary works of literature (the works of A. green, A. Lindgren, N. Nosov, A. Tolstoy, K. Chukovsky, etc.).

Today, the theatre stands out the most extensive repertoire, as well as a variety of genres, among them Russian folk tales, skomoroshiny, romance, classic dramas, vaudeville, musicals, ironic detective and others. The main asset of the theatre are its talented young artists who perfectly mastered the technique of kuklovozhdenie, voice, know how to dance, to sing, to fence, to conjure, to perform circus tricks to work with "hall". Neither show is unthinkable without the main Director of theatre of V. Glazkova, main artist I. Milyaeva, production designer N. Vanina, artist–designer, A. Matyukhin, artist M. Forty.

The theatre has toured extensively, supports cultural relations with groups of puppet theatres in Russia and Abroad. The troupe has visited with the performances of Germany, France, Spain, Croatia, Belarus, Ukraine. The theatre takes part in prestigious festivals. The theatre is a frequent participant in international festivals of puppet theaters. Based puppet theatre started in Tula the first international youth festival "Scene without weapons". Tula puppet theatre successfully performed at the IV International festival "the Ark" in Kostroma, in the theatre festival in honor of the 150 anniversary since the birth of A. P. Chekhov in Syktyvkar. Over the past fifteen years it has taken part in more than fifty festivals.

Since 2001, the theatre became a co-founder of the Association for the puppet Theatre – XXI century". Now Tula puppet theatre every year conducts the tour, a festival called "the may carousel." Annually, the theater troupe performs a summer touring company in the summer camps Kaluga, Tula and Moscow regions.

Artists make their best and brightest creative meetings with children in kindergartens and schools, in libraries, secondary vocational and higher educational institutions of the Tula region. The Tula theatre of dolls, thanks to its active and diverse activities, is the center of cultural life of Tula and area. He noted commendations, diplomas of the Supreme leadership of the city and the region, the regional Duma, winning the Minister of culture.

Currently the Tula theatre of dolls has a great reputation in the theatre world and is considered the leader among the Russian teams of puppet theatres.

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