The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in the gantry Photo: Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in the gantry

The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in the village of gantry Konakovo area was the result of restructuring in 1880 stone chapel at the estate and a carpet factory family Flanden. The Church was built with the blessing of Archbishop of Tver and Kashin Sava. The Church was erected at the expense of the gentlemen Mak-Gel and Flandin, the peasants of the village gantry, factory workers and factory employees in honor of the miraculous salvation of the Emperor Alexander II on 2 April 1879 In 1894 with funds Mr. Flandin and factory workers in the temple was arranged steam heating.

Until the early 20th century, the Church was assigned to assumption Church in the village of Extraganza Tverskoy district (at present this village and the Church does not exist). Ministers therefore it was not, services were held only on holidays and Sundays the clergy of the Church of the assumption. Every year on June 24 from the parish Church in the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist made procession, which was settled in 1872 by the Holy Synod. Watched the Church and leading her factory farm servant farmer of the village Pavlicova Cosmas Yakimov (in 1900). All Church income went to repair the building and liturgical needs.

After the revolution the Church were not long in effect. In December 1933 the Bureau of Zavidovo Executive Committee had supported the petition of the village Council of the gantry about the closure of the temple and its transfer of the building of the agricultural school club, as it was in the territory and near the buildings of the mill faux fur that from economic point of view it was not appropriate.

The Church was closed in 1934, despite numerous complaints from parishioners that gathered about 450 signatures.

A unique event in the history of St. John the Baptist Church is opening in September 1944, by decision of the Council for Russian Orthodox Church and the creation of a community of believers, which was officially registered. From 1944 to the present time the Church acts. For some time it was closed due to the absence of the rector.

The Church building is an octagonal space with attached to it a stone refectory, apse, a small bell tower. It has the status of a monument of architecture.

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