Trinity Church in Zavidovo Photo: Trinity Church in Zavidovo

Trinity Church, belonging to Zavidovo the parish, was built at the end of 1787. It is located Northwest of the Dormition Church. Initially it was decided to consecrate a temple in the name of Archangel Michael, although in the late 1880s, the Church became known as Trinity.

The Church is a brick building, plastered and subsequently whitewashed, put on the white-stone basement. The total length in length is 34 metres, with a width of 5, 7 meters and a height of 12, 8 meters.

Trinity Church is located symmetrically relative to the longitudinal axis, wherein it comprises a massive double-height rectangular is equipped with a five-sided apse and refectory facilities. If we take into account the plan of the temple, the more it resembles the square. Wedding quadrangle done by quite massive and a large five-domed. On the upper surface of the walls held wide and made from traditional straight brick cornices, which is multidisciplinary, consisting of corbels crackers. Angular components of the cornices are made of white stone. Immediately under the eaves of the quadrangle are semicircular arches, somewhat cut off from the wall surface by means of thrust traditional drawing. Available at the top of the corners are finished with graceful tufts of polycolonal with "beads", and the angles in the lower part decorated corner pilasters with narrow panels. Such pilasters are used as decoration and at the corners of the refectory room. The window openings of the lower level of the Church is made rectangular, and the Windows of the refectory of the room and apse is framed in the form of frames, the continuation of which is formed directly under the Windows of the square panels. All existing window openings fitted with white stone profiled sills.

The quadrangle of Trinity Church closed in the form of a closed set with high-rise boom, the ceiling of the apse is made using a cylindrical arch. Arch is a spacious refectory room relies on tall arches that spanned between wall surfaces, and a pair located in the Central part of the pillars. With the refectory Church and the apse are reported multiple arched openings.

The interior of the Church has survived only partially and presents paintings of the 19th century; he came to our time and floor, lined with cast-iron plates belonging to the second half of the 19th century, with a couple of plates have a very early period, namely the late 18th century.

Trinity Church is a traditional provincial monuments of architecture, typical of the late 18th century. Despite the fact that the temple was built quite a long time, the decoration of its walls, to a greater extent features typical of the traditional style of ancient details. There is an assumption that the builders of the temple tried to repeat the original form is located near the Dormition Church.

To date remains unsolved mystery about why the congregation decided to build in his village the second temple. It is known that in the construction of the Trinity Church took part in it, because of what rural residents spent a large amount of work. There is an assumption that the former assumption Church demanded not just repair work and full replacement of some components of. Also the number of local residents continued to arrive at high speed, so the place of the old temple was not enough, even on weekdays often the number of people attending exceeded the maximum capacity. Because of the large cost and scope of work the reconstruction of the temple had no expediency, because recovery could take 10 or even 15 years. Probably this was the reason to rebuild the cold Church to slowly and carefully to carry out repairs in the former Church of the assumption.

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