Mirkovci Photo: Mirkovci

Mirkovci is a small village in the South-East from the town of Vinkovci, which, in fact, is its suburbs. The first mention of the settlement dates to 1475.

In 1734 there are already 60 houses. In 1791, the town consisted of 107 houses, inhabited by a total of 791 people. In the early nineteenth century part of the population moved to Bosnia or Serbia, so to 1810 it was only 738 people.

After the devastating Second world war, the area occupied by the Serbs, which was the reason for the increase of population in the village – the total number of inhabitants rose to almost a thousand. According to a subsequent post-war censuses, the number of people only increased. Thus, according to 1981 in Mascoutah lived 2940 residents, 2600 of whom are Serbs.

During the war of independence of Croatia in the village of Mirkovci based various Serbian paramilitary forces, and the proximity of a large city Vinkovci allow the military to quickly plan a military campaign on the territory between the village and the city. Thus, the inhabitants of villages often had to live under shelling. In 1998, after the reintegration of a large portion of the population of the village Mirkovci began to sell their homes and move to Serbia and other neighboring countries.

Of the attractions it is worth noting the Church of St. Nicholas, which belongs to the Serbian Orthodox diocese of Eastern Croatia.

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