Vorkuta Museum of local lore Photo: Vorkuta Museum of local lore

In Vorkuta, Komi Republic Vorkuta is the famous inter-district local history Museum, which is located by address Lenin street, the house 38. The date of Foundation of the Museum was July 12, 1959, but the opening was held on may 3, 1960 in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee of the city Council of workers deputies Vorkuta city from April 28, 1959.

The first exhibition of the local history Museum telling us about the Geology of his native land, civil and industrial construction, coal mining industry, the development of domestic, cultural, and scientific aspects of society.

In the period between 1963 and 1964, the Museum staff was prepared stationary exhibition entirely dedicated to the theme of nature. The following year was opened a unique art gallery, which is part of the Museum. In 1966 he was an acquaintance of many visitors and local history Museum with a stationary exhibition of the history Department, which was attended by a respected scientist L.. Brothers and discoverer of coal in Vorkuta area G.. Chernov. It is important that 1966 was fruitful and in terms of cooperation, because then the popular Museum of Lenin, leading its activities and work on a voluntary basis at the school No. 11, became part of the Vorkuta Interdistrict Museum as a branch. Today, this Museum Department is located in the village called Vargason and presents an exhibition "Native North people and nature", which are located in two halls: "Ethnographic hall" and "Nature".

Local history Museum has developed a rationale for the boundaries of the study Vorkuta district under the previously existing Pechorsky district, which during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was not only economic but also respectful of ethnic and cultural relations between Russian, Komi and Nenets.

December 17, 1968, the Council of Ministers of the Komi Republic has issued a decree that Vorkuta district Museum, by reason of the great increase of work relating to a careful study of the distribution zone of the far North, receives the status of the inter-Museum.

In the fall of 1990, the Museum opened a new spacious exhibition hall, the total area of which amounted to 360 square meters. Talented artists Vorkuta city had a unique opportunity to fully present his works in the framework of the annual exhibitions in his hometown.

It is worth noting that the Museum funds contain a unique collection of old programs and theatrical posters Musical-drama theatre of the city of Vorkuta, which was established on the basis of the Gulag during the 1940-1950 period. Valuable exhibits were filing a local newspaper called "polar hole" (40-50-ies of the 20th century), historical objects, narrating Vorkutlage – kind pieces made from bread crumb, greeting cards, hand made, as well as objects and facilities of camp life. Presented in the Museum's art collection has a membership of about seven hundred units. Not less rich and funds are devoted to rare ethnographic exhibits.

2000 went to the Museum of local lore is especially productive, because together with the office of "Memorial" Vorkuta city Museum was awarded a grant from the Soros Foundation, which was held on the programme called "Civil law" in the framework of the project "Lessons of the past years – for the edification of the future".

For the reason that Vorkuta Museum of local lore is the status of inter, he represents the culture and life of native land from the ancient times. A room devoted to nature, gives an extensive presentation about the unique wildlife of his native land. Hall of history tells us about the development of the region from the point of view of industry.

Currently, the Museum includes the following excursions: "Ancient Pechora region," "the Fauna of the tundra", "Vorkuta in the 1930-ies", "Frontline Vorkuta", "Native land in the geographic names", "Protected areas Vorkuta tundra and many others.

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