Winery Photo: Winery "Magarach"

Winery "Magarach" is located on the southern coast of Crimea. This plant is the cradle of Russian science of grapes and drinks from it. About two centuries this plant are studying the mystery of wine.

At the beginning of the 19th century by order of Prince M. S. Vorontsov was created "official pilot school" in the Nikitsky Botanical garden. This institution was to breed the best vines and conduct experiments for the production of various wines. Prince Vorontsov was a big fan of wine and otherwise contributed to its development. In 1852 in the tract Magarach (means "source") was built winery. The first scientists and winemakers at this plant were Franz Gasquet and Anastasius Serbulent attended by the Director of the Nikitsky garden Nicholas Hartwiss. They had a primary goal: "to make only healthy wine that can be stored for long periods, not trying to do a likeness in taste or composition of the bouquet of any known foreign wines".

Soon the experts in the study of viticulture and wine from him, made sure that the grapes grown on the southern coast of Crimea, ideal for the manufacture of both strong and dessert wines. In order to better learn and consolidate the results obtained, the wine left in the cellar for long term storage. The result was a collection of plant "Magarach". Up to the present time in the Enoteca plant has a wine that was made in 1836 – pink Muscat. For the manufacture of wine went the grape harvest this year. This wine, considered the oldest Russian wine, listed in the Guinness Book of records".

Plant "Magarach" has made many efforts to win a seat on the large Russian market, which was full of many famous foreign wines. Merchants who bought precious muscats plant "Magarach", without hesitation, was diluted with water, posing for a French Sauternes. They did it for greater profit, as the French wines were known for a long time. In order to avoid such fraud, wine factory "Magarach" began to pour in its original bottle with embroidered brand labels.

Wine this plant has received international recognition only a few years later in 1873. This happened in Vienna at the world's fair. Here was marked by a delicate taste, natural aroma and bouquet taste, which does not have any wine produced in other countries.

The winemakers of this plant produced very famous nowadays domestic brands of Muscat, port, sherry, lovely Madeira and many other Crimean classic wines.

Currently Iviv "Magarach" is a modern research center and winery with modern equipment. It makes a lovely dessert and the equally wonderful strong wine of the same quality as in the past centuries.

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