Estate Voskresenskoye Photo: Estate Of Voskresenskoye

The estate is located in the village of Voskresenskoye resurrection Nekouz district, on the left Bank of Carbohy. According to documents 1774, the village was included in Mologa County and was in the possession of several persons: Antipater Konovnitsyn, Gerasimos of Mikogo, Seeds Kupreyanov, Anna Lilia Mansurova has and Anna Khitrova. In the late 18th century in the village there were two wooden churches: St. Nicholas and resurrection and estate with two ponds and a wooden manor house.

In 1795 the Church of the resurrection built in stone. Near the Church was the cemetery. In 1864, in the possession of the manor became titular councillor D. Balashov.

The first plantings on the estate dates back to the end of the 18th century. They were a group of elm and lime trees and alleys. The laying out of the Park coincides with the period of the construction of a stone Church here. At this time of significant importance in the composition of the Park had the ponds, is clearly visible on the old plans. In the late 19th century in the South-Western part of the estate was planted birch trees on the perimeter of the cemetery near the Church were formed regular fit maples and birches.

Currently parklands somewhat fragmented and scattered throughout the resurrection, they occupy an area of approximately 17, 5 ha.

To the manor from the East has an access road. On the left side from the entrance is a large pond with a channel, two Islands of different sizes, regular lime plantations inclusion elm West Bank, in small groups acacia and lilac.

Most likely, the main house of the estate was located on the West side of the pond. To the North there is a second pond, several smaller. The ponds are now in an overgrown condition.

In the North-Eastern part of the house is a two storey stone building (in 1908 it was a district school), towards its Eastern facade is a small orchard.

The Central part of the estate is a modern rural buildings and gardens.

One of the valuable fragments of parkland to the present time preserved in the North-West of the estate. It is a group of thirty old lime trees, a special interest among which is the so-called "pergola" in the form of a very dense round planting of twenty trees, the diameter of this circle is 5 m. the Rows at great pond, and these plantations are the oldest in the estate, they are about 200 years old.

The other two large extant plot planting date to the end of the 19th century: the first is the territory of the cemetery with the Church, lined with birches, lindens and maples (North Park); the second is a birch grove on the Bank of an unnamed Creek, on the South-West of the estate. On the South side of the Church are remains of birch plantings.

Resurrection Park is a typical example of botricello Park late 18th and early 19th centuries, with delightful layout elements in the form of ponds and green pavilions" of lip.

Special attention on the estate attracts the Church of the Resurrection, which was erected in 1796. The Church has two floors. Downstairs, there is a warm Church on the second floor – a cold summer. In the temple of the four altars in honor of the resurrection of Christ, in honor of St. Nicholas, in honor of the Signs of the virgin, in honor of the Nine Martyrs.

At the altar of the temple is a monument of black marble. Here lie the remains of A. Orlova, a priest who served in this Church a century and enjoyed special respect and love of the parishioners. In 1877, on his initiative, it opened a parochial school. The Church operates today. On Sundays and public holidays are held in the temple service.

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