The temples of Elijah the Prophet and the Holy virgin in the village of Veritee Photo: Temples of Elijah the Prophet and the Holy virgin in the village of Veritee

The temples of Elijah the Prophet and the Holy virgin is located in the village of Veritee Yaroslavl region. These two churches represent the summer and winter ensemble temples. They were built with funds donated by parishioners.

Church of the Intercession of the blessed virgin Mary was summer. It was built in 1792. It has dimensions HH. This is a massive a double-height rectangular with five heads, with "janowskie" shape. But the scale of the heads of the Church and their composition indicate more ancient times of the 17th century.

The Church of the Intercession of the virgin – with three chapels: the right side – altar in honor of St. John the Baptist; average – in honor of Intercession of the virgin; and the left side – altar in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In 1792-1793, the Church had a bell-tower and refectory. The appearance of the temple completes the Holy doors, fences, turrets, brick shops.

At the end of the 1930-ies the Church of the intercession was closed, and it was used for the needs of the warehouse. In 1997, the Church was returned to believers, but his recovery has not yet begun. Five-domed Church of the Intercession of the virgin has lost all of its interior decoration, are extant only some fragments of the paintings. From brick Church pews remained only ruins.

Winter Church in honor of the prophet Elijah was built in 1809. It has dimensions of 22, HH m. It was rebuilt in 1873 consecrated. The Church has four chapels: the right side – altar in honor of the Epiphany; the average chapel – in honor of the Prophet Elijah; the left aisle – Constantinople in honor of the icon of the Mother of God; the meal – in honor of saints Cosmas and Damian.

The main bell of the temple weighed 350 pounds. In the Church was set rare seven-tier gold-plated iconostasis, which adorned the great temple. Especially venerated in the Church of the icon – the icon of Constantinople of the Mother of God.

In Soviet times the Church was closed, its building was a warehouse of building materials. In 1997, the temple was returned to the Orthodox Church, he was assigned to Holy Trinity Church S. top-Nikulskoye. Service in the village of Veritee are in fully restored the Ilinsky temple.

Despite the dilapidated condition of the Pokrovsk temple complex of these two churches that stand side by side, looks harmonious and impressive. These churches rise on the left Bank of Severka, giving the village a special color. On the right Bank of the river to have preserved two-storey wooden house of the priest.

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