Exhibition hall Photo: Exhibition hall "Known"

Exhibition hall "Known" is located in Yuryevets on the street Tarkovsky. He works since 2004. Now he is in the city administration building on the first floor.

The first art gallery was opened in the city on 13 August 1977 in the bell tower Whodo-the Jerusalem Council. In its creation was attended by the cultural Department of the district, activists of the local branch of the society, local history Museum, as well as yurevets historians. Public Director elected as a distinctive artist and poet Ivan Grigoryevich Urueta. But soon an art gallery had to close because the room where it was housed in the winter, not heated.

After 20 years was a new attempt of opening an art gallery. In 1997, with the assistance of the regional Department of culture in the same belfry opened an art shop. The issue with the heating and lighting of the room was finally solved. But, a few months later, the complex of buildings Whodo-the Jerusalem Council gave the metochion of the Holy shartunski monastery.

Over the next five years, the question of the establishment of the city art gallery was raised in the newspaper "Volga" and discussed with local authorities. In 2002 a group of local historians and artists of Yuryevets addressed to letter to the head of the district administration. When discussing the project gallery an understanding has been reached, but the question arose about the premises for the needs of the gallery. A major role in the resolution of this problem was played by the Department of education of the district. To place a graphic and pictorial works had finally found the room. Since the opening of the exhibition hall is named after the founder of Yuryevets – St. Prince Yuri II Vsevolodovich and his heavenly patron St. George.

In "George" hall presents works of art and decorative works of teachers of the children's art school, art Studio "rainbow" – A. Y. Ushakov, A. A. Gorokhov, A. V. Galtseva and their students.

Ushakov Alexander is a native urlencoding. He tried his hand at various styles of art from avant-garde to realism, from bark products to batik. Constantly working on new approaches to the display of various artistic images and often changes the technique of his writing. He's great at work and portraits, and still lifes. His landscapes are deep and full of deep philosophical meaning. The works of Alexander were exhibited many times in Ivanovo, Shuya, Moscow, the Museum of modern art in new York. Paintings Ushakov are also in private collections in the USA, India, Germany, UK, various CIS countries.

Another interesting creative person, whose works are exhibited in St. George's hall, is Mr Fadeichev, the artist of the older generation. Fadeichev is in the highest sense a patriot of his city. In Yuryevets with his direct participation in 1962, opened an art school. He is a painter, a musician, a numismatist, a collector of ancient books. Written works are saturated with music light, have fascinating for the sheer beauty of the colors.

Not to mention, about the artist, the master flat and three-dimensional carving, painting on wood – Alexandra Valerievich Galtseva. He graduated from the Kholuy art school and today teaches the secrets of the guys on Gazovoy Mountain. He, along with his students have won top prizes and winners of the regional exhibition of decorative art.

The permanent exhibition hall of the "St. George" is composed of over seventy paintings of Yuryevets: A. Fadeicheva, V. F. Kalinina, A. Y. Ushakov, A. A. Gorokhov, I. G. Urueta, A. A. Pakhotin, S. I. Mokrousovo, V. A. Bolotov and others. Also in the exhibition hall held solo and thematic exhibitions not only local artists, but also Ivanovo, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod painters. Here also exhibited the work of students at the school of arts, exhibitions of decorative art.

"George" is a meeting place for art lovers and professional artists. In addition, he is a cultural center of the city, with its well-established tradition.

For the year in "George" is changed to 7-8 exposures. Since 2008, in the exhibition hall opened two branches: the theatre-Museum T. Litovoi "Origins", the Museum of the painter I. Urueta.

Showroom is constantly evolving and looking for new authors.

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