Khakas national Museum of local lore. L. R. Kyzlasov Photo: Khakas national Museum of local lore. L. R. Kyzlasov

Khakas national Museum of local lore named after L. R. Kyzlasov is not only one of the main attractions of the city Abakan, but the card of the Republic of Khakassia.

In December 1928, it was created Khakas local history society. In early 1929 in the village of Ust-Abakan opened the Museum on a voluntary basis. In July 1931, the local authorities decided to organize in Abakan regional Museum, in the same year the Museum was given the status of a state. The first Museum exposition was represented by three departments: the history of socialist construction and nature of the region. Then the institution was located in the House of culture, but in 1973 it was temporarily transferred to the five-storey residential building with an attached two-storey exhibition hall. In 2006, the Museum was awarded the status of "national", and in October 2007 he was named after a famous scientist, archaeologist L. R. Kyzlasov.

Today the Museum has about 120 thousand units of storage. This archaeological and ethnographic objects, documents, art objects, rare books, numismatics, natural science collections, and more. Museum visitors have the opportunity to see large-scale exhibition of major natural systems, the diversity of the flora and fauna of the Republic of Khakasia.

Historical and archaeological Museum is a rich collection of objects epochs of stone, bronze and iron ages. The real pride of the Museum is an amazing collection of stone sculptures (sculptures), steles and rock paintings. Interesting for its mysterious drawings sculptures - unique fine art of antiquity, created in the bronze age native speakers of the Okunev culture that inhabited the Khakass-Minusinsk basin, about 5 thousand years ago.

In Museum of local lore named after L. Kyzlasov also presented collections that reflect the richness of the Khakass culture, for example, the interior of the home, national clothes, jewelry, Khakas embroidery, musical instruments, shamanic paraphernalia, hunting guns, household items and so on.

Currently Khakas national Museum of local lore not only performs the functions of storage and unique collections, but also is one of the main teaching centres of development and promotion of museums in the Republic of Khakassia.

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