Moon valley Photo: moon valley

Moon valley is one of the most visited places in San Pedro, located 17 km from the town, in the Cordillera de La Sal, the Andes. This is an interesting conglomeration of rock, sand and salt for millennia brushed by the winds and water, which plays an overflow of various colors and textures.

El Valle de La Luna is attractive due to its amazing similarity with the surface of the moon. I climbed on a big sand dune, you can appreciate the beautiful and amazing world that stretches to the horizon. Around, everywhere you look, breathtaking landscapes that resemble pieces of the lunar landscape.

In Moon valley is a dry lake, where the salt rock covers beautiful white mantle. The slopes of the rocks play in the sun with all the colors: green, blue, red, yellow. Amazing and varied rock formations, which change a thousand times during the day, but especially look fantastic in the twilight. On moonlit nights the valley also has an indescribable look coldly beautiful, impressive and dignified in his silence.

This area is one of the driest on earth. Some of its sections have not seen a single drop of precipitation for several centuries. Scientists were testing a prototype of the Mars Rover on the territory of the valley on heavy-going rocky-salt surface.

In 1982, moon valley has been declared a natural monument. She is also part of the National reserve Los Flamencos. Every year it is visited by hundreds of tourists as one of the most amazing attractions of Chile.

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Moon valley
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