Storiche hillfort Photo: Storiche hillfort

Staricha the settlement, or Staritsky the Kremlin, is a historic centre of the medieval Old women. It is located on the northwestern outskirts of the present town, on a promontory on the left Bank of the Volga river, where it empties into the river Upper Bayou.

Bayou first time mentioned in Chronicles in 1297. In 12-14 centuries Bayou was included in the Tver earth, and in the 15th and 16th centuries was the center of an independent Principality. After his death in 1318 in the Horde Prince of Tver Mikhail Yaroslavich Bayou with Mikulin, Zubtsov and Hill moved to second his son Alexander, who, in turn, gave the Old woman his son Vsevolod, and the way – Ivan Vsevolodovich.

In 1385, after the fire, the Bayou was rebuilt. The moat and powerful shaft protected it on the South side. In 1396-1399, in Staritsa, Tver Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich was erected the first white stone Cathedral in honor of St. Michael the Archangel. In the Tver Prince Ivan Mikhailovich in 1403 in the Bayou, they built a stone Church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which belonged to the temples.

From 1468 Bayou subordinate to Moscow as separate principalities, which included Vyshgorod, Aleksin, Hill, Vereya, Lubetski. When specific Prince Andrei Ivanovich Staritsa upgraded the fortifications of the Kremlin.

In 1558 there was built the Boris and Gleb Cathedral. But in 1569, disposing of the last Duke of Staritsa, Vladimir Andreevich, Ivan the terrible took the city of the oprichnina. During this period, the Bayou was a large and wealthy city. The bulk of the population lived in low-lying right Bank of the Volga river, directly opposite the Kremlin.

In 1606, 1609, the Bayou has been the Polish-Lithuanian ruin and then in 1624 consisted of 64 inhabitants. Under Mikhail Fedorovich Bayou revived. In 1632 was restored, the town's fortress, and in 1666, around the perimeter of the Kremlin were built new fortifications, with length 1, 28 km.

The first serious excavations in Staritsa the settlement were held in 1903, a local Amateur archaeologist I. P. Krylov. The remains of the Cathedral of STS 16th century was studied by architects V. Kavelmaherom and Chernyshov, M. B., from 2005-2012 – Salimov A. M. the Scientific study of the settlement began in 1972, Hvorostovsky E. L., 1979 it acquired a systematic character. Was investigated over 2 thousand sq m of cultural layers.

The earliest layers, which are recorded in Cathedral square, belong to the 14th-15th centuries. Finds and designs on the rest of the area of the settlement are, for the most part, to the 17th century. The maximum power of the cultural layer is 2-4 m. On the Western slope of the settlement, which was settled later, it becomes 0. 25 m.

In the late 17th century with the loss of its military value Staritsky the Kremlin is gradually emptied, and the remaining buildings were demolished in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the locals.

As a result of the archaeological excavations at the ancient settlement were discovered items belonging to more than 50 categories. It and tools, and household items, weapons, and equestrian equipment, decoration of glass, ceramics, chess pieces, Kashin, Tver and Moscow coins. Archaeologists have traced all the buildings of the Kremlin commercial and residential purposes from the 15th to 17th century.

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