Museum-estate of Tadeusz Kosciuszko in Kossovo Photo: Museum-estate of Tadeusz Kosciuszko in Kossovo

Museum-estate of Tadeusz Kosciuszko is located near the town of Kossovo in the Grange Merechevschina (Mereczowszczyzna - Polish). Here on 4 February 1746 the person was born, who is considered as its national hero of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, France and the USA Andrzej Tadeusz bonawentura Kosciuszko.

Having received his theological education at the convent of the order of Transdanubia in the city of Lubalove, Tadeusz kościuszko arrived in Knight School Stanislaus Poniatowski in Warsaw and received a military education. He chose the profession a military engineer, and in the early years impressed teachers and classmates with his mind, will, purpose and asceticism.

On finding his knowledge at home, Tadeusz kościuszko went to America in 1775, where he participated in the war for the independence of North American colonies. His knowledge of fortification brought obvious benefits of the rebel army. War Tadeusz graduated with the rank of Brigadier General of the American army.

He returned home in 1792, he took part in the war on the side of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the army józef Poniatowski, where he distinguished himself in several battles. In 1794, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, together with other patriots, he led the national liberation uprising that was suppressed by Russian troops, and Kosciuszko was taken prisoner in the Peter and Paul fortress.

After the death of the Empress Catherine II Kosciuszko was honorably released from prison. Given his desire to leave the country, Emperor Paul I, he was transferred to the generous gifts.

Kosciuszko settled near Paris. Napoleon offered him to lead the Kingdom of Poland, but Thaddeus was adamant in wanting to restore the territorial integrity of the Commonwealth and the proposal of Napoleon not taken.

Name and destiny hero remembered in many countries and cities around the world. His name was immortalized in the names of streets. However, the house where he was born, was burned down by the partisans during the great Patriotic war. The house was only pegs, enclosing the remains of the Foundation and memorial stone.

In 1999 it was decided to restore the estate, the birthplace of national hero, the surviving engravings and lithographs. In 2004 the estate Museum was inaugurated. The Museum has restored the situation at the time, when he lived here Tadeusz Kosciuszko, the exhibition also presents a lot of rare items and documents.

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