The archaeological Museum of Rabat Photo: Archaeological Museum of Rabat

Archaeological Museum located in the capital of Morocco Rabat is the largest in the country collection of antiquities. It contains an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts that were found on the territory of the state.

The Museum is housed in a building built in the 1930-ies for the antiquities Service. Initially, there was a collection of ancient pre-Islamic subjects and the prehistoric era. Exhibits, scientists discovered during archaeological excavations in the Banas Volubilis and Tameside, were first exhibited before the public in 1930-1932 After in 1957, the exposure increased significantly, the Museum was given the status of national.

Everything is presented in the Archaeological Museum of Rabat, the exhibits are grouped under the relevant sections and chronological grounds. For example, in the prehistoric section contains the remains of the ancient people during the Paleolithic; in the Roman section, you can see the different bronze ware; see pre-Islamic civilization can get acquainted with the history of trade relations between Morocco and Carthage. Regarding the section of Islamic archaeology, he is supplemented by new exhibits today. Here mainly presents the items used by people in everyday life.

Of particular interest among the visitors of the Archaeological Museum of Rabat cause artifacts pebble culture is the results of excavations in ARBOIS, Casablanca and Douar-Douma, Acheulian culture – findings in Daye El Hamra and Sidi Abderrhamane, Mousterian and asteriskos cultures that existed about 6 million years ago. Absolutely unique are the traces asteriskos culture. Only thanks to the excavations conducted on the territory of Morocco, became aware of its existence.

Also a huge attention of the guests of the Archaeological Museum of Rabat is a collection of antique bronze statues. One of the most interesting exhibits of this meeting shall be crowned with ivy statue of Whistling.

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