Reserve Photo: The Sanctuary Of El Nido – Taytay"

Protected area "El Nido – Taytay – the largest marine reserve in the Philippines, located on the northwestern tip of Palawan island. It consists of the resort of El Nido and the nearby town of Taytay. The total area of the reserve is a little more than 903 sq km, of which 60% occurs in marine waters.

Interestingly, local residents are actively involved in various environmental education programs conducted by the reserve, for example, projects on the protection of forests and marine life. Contribute and NGOs – WWF employees regularly participate in patrolling the territory together with the administration and raise funds for security projects. And need a lot of money – according to experts, maintaining the successful operation of the reserve annually requires about $180 thousand. Part of the funds comes from tourism business, a highly developed on-site El Nido - Taytay: each tourist pays for half a dollar a day for staying in the reserve.

El Nido – Taytay, its unique flora and fauna and unusual geological formations, is one of the richest in biological terms the Philippine ecosystems. Landscapes of the reserve is incredibly diverse – there are over 50 beaches, sheer limestone cliffs, in crevices of which nest salangane – birds of the family strigini, five types of forests, including evergreen rain and mangrove. The protected area is inhabited by 16 endemic and 10 vulnerable species of birds, including malavansky bird-Rhino, Shama thrush and malavansky tit. 6 marine mammal species are also endemic to the island of Palawan, including dolphins and dugongs. And incredibly diverse marine life of the reserve, 100 species of corals, 813 species of fish and 4 species of sea turtles that are endangered.

Of particular interest to scientists is the fact that the nature of the El Nido – Taytay in its species diversity closer to lying to the North of the island of Borneo, and not to other regions of the Philippines, which makes this reserve unique in the country.

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