Old town Photo: Old town

The old town square kilometer of history, surrounded by walls. Before 1860 it was the whole of Jerusalem, now a small part of it, nourished by the memory of millennia.

Today's Old town was founded in the XI century BC: the biblical king David captured the important strengthening of the Jebusites and relocated the holiest Shrine of the Jewish people, the ark of the Covenant. King David built the walls, Solomon the wise them strengthened and built the Temple. Jerusalem was a Prime target for invaders: it took the Jews into Babylonian captivity, the city was totally destroyed by the Romans, took the Muslims.

The old city is divided into four quarters, but their names (Armenian, Jewish, Muslim and Christian) appeared only in the XIX century. Residents behind the wall a little bit, about thirty-six thousand, basically there are religious institutions, monasteries, schools, museums. The current wall and the city gates look ancient, but built in the XVI century.

The historic centre of Jerusalem suffered severe ordeals in recent times. In the war for Nezavisimosti year Old city went to the Jordan, the Jews were evicted. During the six day war of 1967, Israel returned the blocks, but the Hebrew has turned into a pile of rubble. Restored it in memory of centuries of existence of the people in Jerusalem. Thus, of the four areas of the Old city alone, Jewish – new. Designed by the best architects of Israel, the aura of antiquity mysteriously saved. The most inaccessible quarter – Armenian, most of it is closed to visitors, at ten o'clock local gates are locked.

The most populous quarters – Muslim, rich in historical monuments. The Lion's gate street begins the via Dolorosa, which tradition connects with through the Cross of Jesus. Key points of this path are marked with special marks. In the Muslim quarter are points, revered as the birthplace of the virgin Mary: Orthodox recognize as the Church of the Nativity of Mary, Catholic Church of St. Anne.

In the Christian quarter is one of the holiest shrines of Christendom, the Church of the Holy sepulchre. To possess them for centuries sought countries and peoples, because it began with the Crusades.

A separate part of the Old city – Temple mount, surrounded with high walls. Jews revere it as the place where the Temple stood from the famous Wailing Wall), Christian tradition says that the Church is under 12 years she lived and was brought up the virgin Mary, Muslims believe that from here ascended into heaven, the prophet Muhammad. Today on the Temple mount sparkles the Dome of the Rock, the third most important Shrine of Islam.

The old town is the only place on Earth where there have been key events of the three great world religions. Its streets were pilgrims, beggars, conquerors, slaves and tyrants. Now here is crowded with tourists, but in the crowd you can feel the atmosphere of this space. Still pierces the souls of white city whose stones have preserved carved swords markup dice game – the one in which the Roman soldiers played off the blood-stained garment of the Savior.

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