Pyukhtitsky convent Photo: pyukhtitsky convent

Pyukhtitsky female monastery – Orthodox monastery in North-East Estonia in the village kuremäe. Kuremäe is a small village, which is home to about 350 people. The monastery is built on the ground, which Orthodox residents living here, is called "the Holy virgin mountain".

According to the legend about 200 years ago the Estonian shepherd saw on the mountain the woman clothed in fine radiant robe. However, when he began to approach the mountain, the vision disappeared. The shepherd returned to his herd and again saw the illustrious Lady on the mountain. This was repeated several times. After returning home, the shepherd told the villagers about what they saw. The next morning, some of the locals went to the mountain. They also saw a woman who vanished as they approached. On the third day the whole situation again. When they went up on the mountain, at the place where was the woman, they found an old image. As they were Lutherans, they gave him to the nearest farmstead Russian Orthodox peasants who lived in the village AAMI, and told the circumstances under which the image was found. Orthodox guessed at once that it is the image of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

After receiving the gift icon, Orthodox inhabitants pühtitsa region in the 16th century, built a chapel on the lower ledge of Bogoroditsky mountains. The phenomenon of the Mother of God are sealed in a special icon, which is called Puhtizky. A feature of the writing of this icon is that the virgin is shown standing on the ground. In times of wars and turmoil locals guarded Puhtitskyy the Shrine, when destruction is always restored the chapel. For security purposes, the miraculous icon of hranilasb Narva. When in the village Sirenes built a Church, Dormition chapel attributed to it, and the miraculous icon was moved there. After this event, the Orthodox inhabitants decided every year on August 15 the day of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary, there would be a Procession to the chapel on Bogoroditsky mountain together with the icon.

In 1885 was established pyukhtitsky Orthodox parish. However, local landowners oppressed Orthodox parishioners. This situation drew the attention of the Governor of Estland Prince S. V. Shakhovskoi, some measures have been taken to protect the interests of the Orthodox population. In 1891 the Church was the beginning of the women's community that was built in pyukhtitsky monastery in 1892. In the same year, was returned the icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God from Serenazgo temple.

Every year in July takes place the solemn transfer of the miraculous icon to the village Sirenes, where she remained until 13 August. Since 1896, the Holy icon is annually brought into the city revel in the 2 nd Sunday after Pentecost 8 days and in the village of Eleshnitsa for the period from 7 to 10 September. Near the monastery are the graves in which, according to legend, buried Russian soldiers who served in the time of St. Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the terrible. The funds of the monastery contains different institutions: in pyuhtitse — hospice, outpatient hospital, hospital for women and children, sisters of mercy, a shelter for Orthodox girls, two year school for children of both sexes; in the town Jewe — free hospital.

In the Soviet time the monastery was the only current women's monastery in the entire USSR. Now there are about 150 nuns and novices from Estonia, Ukraine, Russia. Here you can book a tour, the nuns will introduce the history of the monastery, will show the cells and refectories. Near the monastery there is a healing spring and a pool, in which women are allowed to swim only in shirts.

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