King John's castle Photo: king John's Castle

King John's castle – a medieval fortress in the Irish city of Limerick. It is located in the historical centre of the so-called Royal island and is one of the major and most popular attractions of Limerick.

The second half of the 12th century was marked by Ireland's large-scale invasion of the Normans, which, in fact, marked the beginning of the colonization of the emerald island by the British. In 1174, located on the banks of the river Shannon and was in those days part of the Kingdom of Thomond, Limerick was burned almost to the ground, but after the conquest the Anglo-Normans quickly rebuilt. The strategic position of Limerick largely determined his fate, and soon the city became a major trading center. In order to protect the Limerick already in 1200 by king John of England began construction of the castle, which lasted almost ten years. In the following centuries, the castle was repeatedly extended and rebuilt, was rebuilt after numerous sieges, turning the result into a powerful fortress.

Today, king John's Castle is an important historical monument and an excellent example of medieval fortification architecture. After extensive renovation in 2011-2013 in the castle was a Museum, which exhibits with the help of modern technology perfectly illustrates the turbulent history of Limerick. Fully plunge into the atmosphere of a bygone era, you can, walking through the castle courtyard, where you will see various objects and tools of everyday life of medieval Limerick, and climbing up to the ramparts, enjoy a breathtaking panoramic views. You should pay attention to the remnants of the Viking age, found in the castle grounds during the archaeological excavations. There in the castle and a small cozy cafe where you can relax and exchange stories after an entertaining "travel" in time.

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