Žemaitija national Park Photo: Žemaitija national Park

Žemaitija national Park was founded in 1991 with the purpose of preservation, use and management of the most valuable in relation to culture and nature territories of Samogitia. The Park is a protected area of European importance, which is designed for protection of natural sites and birds.

The national Park will be a real discovery for people who want to get acquainted with wildlife and unusual traditions of Žemaitija region. The place will be interesting for cyclists, naturalists, lovers of sailing and all outdoor enthusiasts. Famous Plateliai lake, traditional and architectural temple buildings, extensive forests - all this will help to learn a bit more about the nature Genetische Park.

The largest and cleanest lake in Samogitia is lake Plateliai; near 25 lakes open up many opportunities for lovers of water tourism and sports, divers and fishermen. Here is a very developed network of roads, so getting around by car, on foot or by bike. The Park has a visitors center, 12 natural monuments, 10 Museum displays. For vacationing for a longer period is provided by the presence of the estates of the network of rural tourism; there is a possibility to make camp. Can taste quite specific, but very tasty dishes of the region: onion soup, kastanis, roasts and fish from the lake.

Žemaitija national Park is a Paradise for naturalists and eco-tourists of various profiles. Here you can learn about the lake basin Plateliai, which was formed with the help of the glacier, as well as small lakes of thermokarst origin, surrounded by landscaped complex Mikita, Garda Ozo, Charnele. In the Park you can watch a variety of wetland birds and enjoy the view spurting in deep gullies rills. It is worth knowing that 10% of the territory of the national Park is closed to the public. These include: Romanijski and Plokstinskiy natural reservations, and in summer and spring time are forbidden to visit the wetland reserves.

The national Park is rich twelve natural monuments, among which trees, Islands and peninsulas, sources. But not all of them can be chosen. Interesting germinating on the ground Latiskogo of the manor of ash, nicknamed ash Witches. It is the fat in Lithuania, because the volume of the trunk reaches 7, 2 meters, and the height of this giant of 32 meters. There are other natural monuments, among which Linden and elm, located in the same manor Park.

The Park has more than two hundred cultural values, including 30 archaeological sites: mounds, burial grounds, zhenstvennye mountains and more. Ring carstvennyh mountains and mounds connected with the most impressive mounds of Skuodas district - Kretinga. Remains of the old bridge remained at the lake Plateliai, which connected a small town with island locks.

With regard to architectural monuments, we can distinguish: Platelike and Baranski churches, and Church, located in Jamaica Kalvarija, Subrugosa mill and different kind of the old manor. In Zhemaychyu Kalvarija there are many artistic, architectural, historical and archaeological sites. The most important is the way of Christ's suffering, with 19 chapels, which were built in the 17th century.

Žemaitija national Park has Samogitian crosses, small chapels and a beautiful carved roadside pillars, the creation process which can be traced in the Museum of masters of Justinas and Regina Jonusas, the private gallery of Leonardas of Cernauskas. In Plateliai manor you can see the exposure masks that uses, when eve is celebrated. Here is available to view archaeological artifacts found on the island piles, as well as household use. In the Museum Jamaica has a permanent exhibition of personal belongings of famous writer Julia Jamaica.

Beautiful views can be enjoyed from the observation platform, located at the lake Plateliai. Here you can see the wide horizons with Nikitskoi jertvennoi mountains, Samalikova mound and points in Pepetela and Yagiuda.

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