Kensington gardens Photo: Kensington gardens

Kensington gardens is one of the Royal parks, located on the West side of Hyde Park. Once these were private Royal property at Kensington Palace, now a public garden, full of charming corners.

In 1689 William III bought part of the Hyde Park – king-asthmatic wanted to live in this place: the local air seemed healing. Elegant landscape, which visitors now enjoy, has created three Queens. Began work on the garden the wife of William, Mary II, continued – her sister Anna. But the biggest changes have occurred in 1728, when the garden started to Queen Caroline, wife of George II.

That's when Carolina Kensington gardens began to look like now. Renowned landscape designer Charles Bridgeman dug Round pond, flourishing the space of paths, has created an artificial lake has a long water as the border of Hyde Park.

When Queen Victoria at the North end of the long water were created by Italian gardens. It is believed that Prince albert, an avid gardener, gave them to his beloved wife – four pools of Carrara marble and Portland stone with fountains in the middle, surrounded by balustrades, stone statues and carved urns. In the southern part of Kensington gardens is a posthumous gift Victoria's husband, albert memorial.

In the gardens you can relax and meditate on the bench, breathing in the scent of flowers and listening to the birds (there 178 species), and you can explore the other attractions. Among them – the gallery of modern art "serpentine", the arch by Henry Moore, an obelisk to the memory of the famous Explorer of Africa John Hanning Speke. Attracts the attention of the statue of Physical Energy work of George watts – the man on the horse, the personification of will and power (a monument dedicated to Cecil Rhodes, founder of the diamond Empire De Beers and southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe). Between the pools sits a bronze Edward Jenner – the Creator of a vaccine against smallpox (the sculpture of William Calder Marshall).

If a visitor with a child, you shouldn't go to the Playground to the memory of Princess Diana. However, leave will not be easy: there is a huge pirate ship, surrounded by swings, slides, tepees, and most importantly – deposits of sand where you can dig for hours. Next to the Playground – famous "elven oak" (its nine hundred year stump, in the crevices of which live little figurines of elves, fairies, gnomes, created in 1920 as an Illustrator of children's books by Mr. Ivor Indecom).

It is not excluded that the child will be able to lure, promising to show of Peter pan. Sculpture depicting the eternal boy being fostered rabbits, mice, squirrels and fairies, was commissioned by the author of the tales of James Barry. In the book "Peter pan in Kensington gardens Peter first appears here – lands on a flower bed.

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