National Park Photo: national Park "Cape Hilsboro"

National Park "Cape Hillsboro – a small (only 816 ha) coastal Park 40 minutes from Mackay, the place where the rainforest literally meets the reef. The surrounding water Park are part of the marine national Park, the Great barrier reef".

The Park is home to about 150 species of birds and 25 species of butterflies. Among the animals of the Park – the ubiquitous kangaroo, pygmy marsupial flying squirrel, turtles and wallabies. Friendly wallabies, every morning at dawn appearing on the beach is a favourite subject for photography.

In Cape Hilsboro once inhabited by the aboriginal tribe of Juiper (Juipera), and today, passing along a special path of length 1, 2 km, you can get acquainted with their way of life and traditions.

The highlight of this Park is its indented coastline, formed by the volcanic activity in ancient times. The traces of those geological changes are still visible today – in the steep cliffs, coastal caves and secluded coves.

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