Of Volubilis Photo: Volubilis

Ruins of the ancient city of Volubilis is one of the most popular historical attractions in Morocco. They are located near mount Zerhouni 30 km from Meknes city.

Of Volubilis is an ancient and eventful history. Even during the Neolithic in these places were Parking the stone age people. But already in the third century BC it was home to the ancient Phoenicians. Centuries later they were expelled by the Romans, who formed their city of Volubilis (in ringtones from Latin - "generosity"), eventually became the most southwestern city in the Roman Empire and capital of the province of Mauretania Tingitana. The local area has long been famous for its fertility, except agriculture, local residents also engaged in copper mining and the production of olive oil. The city rapidly developed, and soon it reached a population of 20 thousand people.

A large number of earthquakes gradually leading the city into decline and at the end of III century the Romans left it. Four centuries later, these lands were inhabited by Arabs, Berbers, Jews and Syrians.

At the end of article VIII of Volubilis became the residence of the first Governor of Morocco, the grandson of Muhamet Idris I, but the one here is not long delayed. In the SEVENTEENTH century the advisors of Moulay Ismail asked him to rebuild the city. But the choice of the ruler fell on the provincial Meknes, where he was taken all marble and most of the columns from Volubilis.

Terrible Lisbon earthquake in 1755, pogreba city underground, retaining on the surface only the tops of the buildings, including the Basilica and arch of triumph, which were discovered by Europeans in 1874 g. Since that time in these places began to be conducted archaeological excavations, which have been found and reconstructed many ancient buildings.

The whole Roman neighborhoods are fairly well preserved under the earth, their home is decorated with beautiful mosaic pictures. Also preserved small columns, previously supporting the arches of the houses, and ancient fixtures for the production of olive oil and wine. Particularly interesting tour of the Capitol, the remains of the Forum and the arc de Triomphe.

In 1997, the ruins of Volubilis were inscribed on the world heritage List of UNESCO.

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