Santa Cecilia-Acatitlan Photo: Santa Cecilia-Acatitlan

Archeological monument of culture of chichimeca Santa Cecilia-Acatitlan sometimes referred to simply as Acatitlan, which translated to one of the Aztec language means "place among the reeds".

The chichimeca were nomadic people, their civilization lasted until 1519. They lived in the North of modern Mexico. The ruins of this town situated in the village of Santa Cecilia, in the state of Mexico, near the capital. In ancient times Acatitlan was located in the North-West coast of lake Texcoco, once located at the altitude of 2239 meters. Over time, the lake is noticeably more crowded..

Cultural center of the chichimeca people was closely connected with another city, no less – Tenayuca, he was their political and religious center. Soon both cities were conquered by the Aztecs. Under the leadership of Tenochtitlan they existed until the arrival of Spanish conquerors in 1521. Later Acatitlan almost razed by the Spaniards in search of stone for the construction of Christian churches.

This ceremonial center was discovered in 1924, and in 1961 here at the site has been opened archaeological Museum. It consists of five small cells, where it is possible to see the exhibits, however, there is enough dark, and the main hall with artifacts.

Here is the ancient Church – Parokya, it dates back to the 17th century. In the courtyard of the Church was found the base of the pyramid. In 1962 it was reconstructed with the help found here the old stones. Historians suggest that the pyramid was erected in honor of Huitzilopochtli – God of the sun, and Tlaloc – God of rain.

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