Grand theatre Photo: Grand theatre

The Bolshoi theatre is the largest in Russia and one of the most significant in the world of Opera and ballet. The history of the theater adopted in March 1776 g.when the provincial Prosecutor, Prince Pyotr Vasilyevich Urusov received the assent of the Empress Catherine II "to contain... any kind of theatrical performances and concerts, vocaly and masquerades". The Prince began the construction of the theater, which by location on Petrovka street (on the right Bank of the Neglinka) — was named Petrovsky. However, the theatre Urusova burned prior to its opening, and the Prince handed the business over to his partner, the English entrepreneur Michael Maddox. The Maddox built a Large theatre. Petrovsky theatre Maddox stood for 25 years — in 1805 the building was burned. In 1821, began the construction of another building of the theatre project About. Beauvais and the rector of the St. Petersburg Academy And. Mikhailova. March 11, 1853, the theatre burned down; the fire was kept only to the stone outer walls and the colonnade of the main entrance. For three years the theatre was restored under the direction of architect. To. Kavos. Replace the deceased in a fire alabaster sculpture of Apollo above the entrance portico has put a bronze Quadriga works by Peter Klodt. The theatre reopened on 20 August 1856.

Five-tier hall of the Bolshoi theater famous for its excellent acoustics and can accommodate up to 2150. The hall is decorated with gilded stucco and red velvet, which gives it a special splendor and solemnity.

Important role in the history of the Bolshoi theatre has played an Opera and a ballet performance to the music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, including "Eugene Onegin, Queen of spades, Iolanta, Swan lake, the Sleeping beauty. The Bolshoi theatre is connected with the names of famous artists - Anton Rubinstein, Peter Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninoff and Feodor Chaliapin, Galina Ulanova, Maya Plisetskaya, and many others.

Orchestra of the Bolshoi theatre is one of the best Symphony orchestras in the world. Today his repertoire includes ballet and Opera performed by the brilliant artists.

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