Small theatre Photo: little theatre

Small theatre, or State academic Maly theatre of Russia, is the oldest drama theatre in Russia. It is located in the heart of Moscow, Teatralny proezd. The theatre was founded in 1757, immediately after the August Decree of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. This year is officially the birth of professional theatre in Russia.

Artistic troupe was established at the University of Moscow. Free Russian theatre got the name "University". It was headed by the famous playwright of the time – M. Kheraskov. In 1805 the University theater is logged in the Imperial theatres, formed during the reign of Alexander I.

In 1824 by the architect of Beauvais for the theatre was built the mansion. It moved to the Imperial theatre troupe, and he became known as the Maly theatre. The theatre was "small" because there were "big" theatre. At the time this meant only compare sizes. It took a long time to come these definitions are included in the title of theatres.

This period was marked by the rise of theatrical art. The theatre was extensive repertoire. Critical period in the development of the Maly theatre is associated with the name of the great tragedian P. Mochalova and the name of a former serf actor Schepkin.For Small theatre writing plays the most famous authors: A. Sukhovo – Kobylin, I. S. Turgenev, N. I. Ostrovsky.In the theatre there were all the plays of Ostrovsky and he was unofficially given the title "the House of Ostrovsky".

In the 20th century, the Small theatre was looking for new ways of development. Branch established theatre – New stage, where he carried out experimental productions. The theatre was opened in 1898 in the building of the state Shelaputinsky theatre. There were not only drama, but also ballet, and Opera.

In our days, the little theatre has been active in creative activities. In each season, the troupe performs 4 – 5 new productions. The theater has toured in recent years, the troupe has toured in Japan and Israel, France, Germany and Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, South Korea, Mongolia, Greece, Cyprus and many other countries.

At the Maly theatre regularly hosts the festival "Ostrovsky in Ostrovsky House".Recently organized the international festival of national theaters.

Actors and Directors of the Maly theatre worthily continue the rich tradition of the theatre. The basis of the current theatrical repertoire includes plays by A. N. Ostrovsky: "Not a penny, but suddenly hit the jackpot". "The forest". "Labor the bread", "Wolves and sheep", "Mad money", "– we'll settle it! " and others.Significant place in the repertoire of the theatre is the play of A. P. Chekhov: Uncle Vanya", "the Cherry orchard", "the Seagull".

At the Maly theatre, the only one of the theatres, has a choir, small orchestra and cast of singers.

By the decree of the President of Russia to the Maly theatre defined the status of national heritage. It is included in the list of especially valuable objects of culture, along with the Tretyakov gallery, the Hermitage and the Bolshoi theatre.

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