The Polytechnic Museum Photo: Polytechnic Museum

The Polytechnic Museum is located in the centre of Moscow, on the New square. The Museum was created thanks to the initiative of members of the Society of natural history, Ethnography and anthropology, immediately after the meeting in 1872 Polytechnic exhibition. The exhibition formed the basis of the collections of the new Museum. Active participation in creation of the Museum was made by members of this society, Professor of the Moscow University G. E. Schurovsky and A. P. Bogdanov.

Moscow city Duma has allocated in 1871 the land for the construction of the Museum in Lubyansky proyezd. Later the building of the Museum was on Lubyanka square. This happened after the demolition of the building of the Imperial society. In place of the demolished building was built North of the Museum building.

The Museum was opened in a temporary building in 1872. In 1877 was built the Central part of the Museum building. The project was made by the architect Monighetti. Supervised the construction of the building N. A. Shokhin. The South wing of the Polytechnic Museum was built by architect cohenim in 1883, in 1896, built the right wing of the building and the North building was built in 1903 – 1907 by the project makaeva. All the building of the Polytechnic Museum lasted about thirty years.

The Polytechnic Museum is one of the world's oldest science museums. Today it is the largest Museum in Russia, which presents more than 190 thousand exhibits, 150 collections in various fields of scientific knowledge and technology. The Museum explain the principle of operation of different technical devices, tell the history of technical inventions and inventors. In the library of the Polytechnic Museum houses more than 3 million books and periodicals.

In the Lecture hall of the Polytechnic Museum was made by Bunin, Burliuk and Mayakovsky. Debates raged about the ways of development of culture. In 1918, in the Lecture hall was made by Khlebnikov and Yesenin, White, Marienhof and Bryusov. In the thirties poetic tradition was continued by Zabolotsky, Bagritsky and Twardowski. In the period of "thaw" in the sixties Polytechnic acted ascension, Okudzhava, Christmas, etc.

In the Polytechnic Museum was made by world-famous scientists: Nobel laureate Metchnikoff, academicians Fersman, Zelinsky, Vavilov. Here, in 1934, was made by Niels Bohr lecture "the atomic nucleus".

In our time in the famous Lectures boils the scientific-educational and political activity. A large Audience of the Lecture is based on the type of amphitheatre and has 520 spectators. Here are all responsible, a landmark for the Polytechnic Museum events.

In 2011 in the Lecture hall of the Polytechnic are lectures Open University "SKOLKOVO". Works bookstore "Tsiolkovsky".

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