The temple of Kofuku-JI Photo: the Temple of Kofuku-JI

The temple of Kofukuji – known Buddhist temple, one of two main temples of the sect of Hossa built in Nara. Date of Foundation of Kofukuji - 669 year. Five-storied pagoda of the temple is the symbol of Nara. The temple listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO.

The buildings of the temple complex have the status of cultural heritage – national treasures and important cultural property. The higher the status of a national treasure marked the Northern octagonal pavilion Kokondo (the oldest building of the complex, built in 721 year and renovated in 1210), Oriental Golden pavilion Tocando, three-tiered pagoda, Sanju-but something (preserved with 1143), and five-storied pagoda goju-no-(restored in 1426, one of the tallest buildings Bunks, a height of 50 meters). Important cultural property are a bath house Ouya (end of XIV – beginning of XV century), the southern octagonal pavilion Nanyondo (reconstruction 1741). In this pavilion are kept the statues of the Four Heavenly Kings are protectors of Buddhism, which is also the treasure of the nation.

In Japan, the transfer of buildings from one place to another was quite common, though time-consuming. Kofukuji changed the location twice. In 669 year Access in the city (today a district of Kyoto) it was built by the wife of high-ranking nobles of the Fujiwara clan, to pray for the recovery of her husband. Already in 672 temple moved to the first Japanese capital of Fujiwara-Kyo, and in 710, he was transferred back to following the capital Haze-ke.

The temple of Kofukuji, except for two crossings, survived several fires. Only in the eleventh century, the temple was completely burnt out three times: in 1046, 1096 1060 and years, and each time he was fully restored. While the Fujiwara clan had political influence, problems with public funding of restoration work did not arise. Another fire destroyed the temple, occurred in 1717, when the power was in the hands of the representatives of the Tokugawa clan, which is not transferred and the Fujiwara, and everything they have created. Therefore, the temple was restored only by the donations of parishioners, the funds were not enough, and part of the buildings were lost.

Except the buildings, the attractions of Kofukuji include sculptures made by the masters of different eras. One such value is the bronze head of the Buddha that was found on the temple grounds in 1937.

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