Walski pillar Photo: Walski pillar

If we trace the historical development of Ostashkov, it is worth noting that he once was shielded using a high defensive wall. It turned out that this building has undergone a terrible fire, but, after some time, was rebuilt again. At the end of 1711, the residents of this small town refused to re-erect the fortress, which he was expecting any trouble.

The composition of the city fortress consisted of three most important for the city not only defensive, but also performs economic functions of the tower: North, South and East. Some of the towers have served in the role of customs. On the ruins of these buildings by the townspeople decided to build three large pillars of worship for that purpose, to the grateful descendants never forgot that in the past there was a mighty and majestic FORTS.

One of these pillars was called Walski, however, he was able to survive up to the present time, unlike the other two. Modern location of the pillar – Volodarskaya street, near the Central city Museum.

Walski pillar is a monolithic quadrangle, at the end of which is high spire. The monument itself is designed in a traditional Baroque style and is situated on the former location of the city's famous South gate shopping.

The most famous and important tower was driving East shore tower, located near the water's edge on the street, Orel, 10 – here was the principal city Custom. To this place came sailboats, and numerous merchants traded goods brought from far away. Not far from here was put up a pillar, designated as the quadrangle, the completion of which was made in the form of a spire. This structure serves two roles: first as a monument, and the second as a lighthouse located on the winter road from Moscow to Novgorod. From the capital of the winter road was moving to Ostashkov on the Volga system, from Ostashkov his path lay along the Eastern coast of the island called Klichen on the famous Nilova Deserts, after which passed through the Khachin river, Polanowka the village Polnova, then across lake Ilmen, Volodi and Veliky Novgorod.

On Alskom pillar, namely, on the spire of Svetlitsky tower, or gate of the Nilova monastery, lighthouse in the abode of the village Polnova even in the inclement weather, the fire was ignited. The glow from these beacons quite often helped in the difficult moments of wayward Wanderers or travelers, as well as the conductors of the carts.

At the end of 1930, during the large-scale piping intake in the newly built tower of the famous pillar was located on the road than standing in the way and interfered with the construction work, so it just blew.

The third monumental sign built at the intersection of the lane Chaikin and street Uritsky and presented in the form of a small domed chapel or octagon with one door and three window openings. The style of the memorial sign can be defined as classic. Wall surfaces are beautiful murals and hanging icons. In the past, the chapel was not far from the Marina is quite a major company called "Star" or as in the past it was called the monastery Gnilovskaya Wharf; to date, next to the Marina is a large spacious garage. Over a fairly long period of time in the chapel in storage was an icon of Saint Barbara, which in the Orthodox religion is known as the patron Saint of watermen, sailors and fishermen. Next to the icon always burned a lamp, near which numerous fishermen prayed, asking the protection of the patron Saint. The chapel was severely damaged after the process of nationalization of fisheries and water transport for the reason that it interfered with the flow of traffic.

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