The house-Museum of Stanislav Dospevski Photo: the House-Museum of Stanislav Dospevski

The house-Museum of Stanislav Dospevski is the only Bulgarian Museum, which is dedicated to the artist who worked during the Revival period of Bulgaria. The Museum building was erected in 1864 by the builders of Bratsigovo, it is two-storied, has six rooms and a beauty (tribute to the traditions of the time).

Stanislav Dospevski – born in the town of Samokov, came from a family of famous masters of ecografie. Born Dospevski in 1823, Father Stanislaus Dimitar Zograf, who is the grandson of the founder of the famous in the country of the Samokov school of painting named after Hristo Dimitrov, uncle Stanislaus Zachary Zograf, who is also considered one of the most talented artists and painters of the period. The first time he trained and worked in his native town, and then continued in Plovdiv, and academic education Dospevski received in higher educational institutions of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The real name of the artist Zafir Dimitrov Hristov, he changed it on his return from Russia. The name was borrowed from the name of his native town his grandfather – dospa, is this village near Samokov. Stanislav lived in Paris and Plovdiv.

Dospevski was considered to be one of the first national artists and painters, received an academic education. He was the founder of secular portraiture. The talented artist has participated in the political life of the country - the national liberation movement aimed at liberation from the Turkish slavery. For participating in this movement he was seized and thrown into prison in Constantinople, where he died in January, 1878, when before Liberation had 2 months.

Today guests of the house-Museum can visit all areas of the house. There are things and subjects of the artist and his family members. The highest price and importance are, of course, works of art by Stanislav Dospevski. In the house-Museum are three of the murals, such as "the square with the monument to Pushkin in Odessa", "Prophet "Golden horn" in Constantinople" and "changing of the guard in front of the Imperial Palace in St. Petersburg", which was written in 1866, Only here the tourists can see the real matura Dospevski and a silver medal, which he received at the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg.

The house-Museum of family Dospevski officially received such status in 1952, and became a monument of architecture and culture in 1964

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