Waterfall Photo: Waterfall "White bridges"

White bridges, or it is also called Kanokogi, is the highest waterfall in the South of Karelia. The volopadom is located 10 km from the town of Leppasilta and 30 km from the town of Pitkyaranta. Height Kanokogi is 19 m, which is 8 m above especially popular and well-known Karelian attractions – the Kivach waterfall. But in affluent Kanokogi significantly inferior to its competitor, but the amazing scenery and picturesque countryside in no way inferior to the waterfall Kivach.

The appearance of the waterfall changes depending on the time of year. For example, during the spring floods, the waterfall looks like a very solid first stream having a yellow color because of the impurities of peat; it falls from a high and a huge stone steps into a large foaming cauldron with his foot. In the summer, White water Bridges breaks in the lace, consisting of crystal-clear streams. Autumn majestic waterfall again gaining strength, and this process continues until the first frost. Winter power water flow is not enough to break the ice. For this reason, in a fierce winter White Bridges top frosted over completely and turn into a solid frame, consisting of numerous ice flows, which are still flowing water.

Not only the waterfall itself and the surrounding area is particularly scenic and attract the eye. Right above the waterfall you can see a spectacular river of Calismalari, which slowly flows along a moss-grown trees and boulders. The river flows to where it ends in a steep precipice, and the foot of flowing water is almost impossible to see. Looks especially beautiful left Bank of the river, covered with tall pine trees.

Not far from the majestic waterfall is another, which is often called White 2 Bridges. The second waterfall was formed by a channel, through which some portion of the river water flows around the tiny island on the opposite side from the main discharge. Feature White 2 Bridges is that in hot summer weather, this waterfall is capable of almost completely dry; in the spring season or in rainy weather the no less picturesque waterfall its "big brother".

Next to the waterfall, where the descent into the canyon, is a beautiful meadow, where it is possible to split a small campground. Over the summer in the meadow grows incredibly tall grass, but in the spring or early summer the whole area of the glade is free to tens of meters from each side of the main trail, which leads directly to the waterfall.

The waterfall got its name due to the white stone. He has found the Finns in the construction of bridges that were built across the river, Calismalari. At the moment, from the old bridges were only fragments. Also, this place was located and Finnish farm. Near a large clearing next to a waterfall, to the present day remained of the ruined stone structures, which were found important and particularly interesting kinds of designs that fully characterize the domestic part of the life of the ancient inhabitants of these places.

In modern times many miles of territory located around White bridges, has almost no settlements. The most common inhabitants of this place are tourists, hunters and loggers. Many tourists come to these places to enjoy great views of the White Bridges; during the day visit the waterfall to a few large individual groups of tourists. As for organized visits, so far this has not happened, but private drivers from nearby cities sometimes do road trips to the falls and back.

As the human presence in this territory is very small, then in the surrounding places of the White Bridges is found a considerable number of wild animals, which include: wolves, bears, because meetings with these representatives of the fauna was recorded on film by the visitors of the waterfall. It is for this reason that we should pay attention to your surroundings and use caution when meeting with this kind of wild animals.

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