Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano Photo: Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano

Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano – the minor Basilica in Rome dedicated to Pope Clement I. the Church Building consists of three levels – in fact, Basilica, built in the 12th century; below it the Basilica of the 4th century, which was converted from a noble Roman house, and the structure of the 1st century A. D. This juxtaposition demonstrates the growing power of the Christian Church for centuries.

The lower part of the Basilica of San Clemente is a ruins of a building, which was probably destroyed in the Great fire of 64-year ad In its place was erected another building, perhaps the mint, which was later converted into a house. About two centuries later, the Central part of the house was adapted to micrium – the temple of the cult of Mithra. The main hall of the temple with a length of about 9, 6 m and a width of 6 m was discovered in 1867. There was found an altar in the shape of a sarcophagus with the image of Mithras stabbing the bull dagger.

In the 4th century the ground floor of the building was buried under the ground and the second floor was converted into a kind of Basilica. The first mention of it occurs in 392, the year, and already in the 9th century the temple was first renovated. It was here that cardinal Raineri was elected Pope under the name of Paschal table II. Interestingly, in the lower Basilica was discovered one of the largest in Rome collections of early medieval wall paintings.

The current Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano was built in the late 11th – early 12th centuries. Today it is considered one of the most ornate churches in Rome. The main entrance is through the atrium, surrounded by arcades, which serves as a covered gallery. The atrium facing the strict facade of a Fountain supported by antique columns, and a small bell tower. Inside attracts the attention of a mosaic floor in the style of cosmatesque.

Guardians of San Clemente since 1667 are Irish Dominican monks (after England recognized the Catholic Church outlawed, Pope urban VIII granted the exiled Irish asylum). They are also in the 1950s, together with the students-archaeologists conducted excavations in the Church.

In one of the side chapels is the tomb of St. Cyril, the man who together with Methodius invented the Glagolitic alphabet and contributed to the baptism of the Slavs.

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