Roman forum Photo: Roman forum

At the end of the Republican period, Roman Forum did not meet the requirements of socio-political life of the city. The forum was updated, built the Basilica and the building, which hosted the trials. Emperors were upgrading the old buildings and erected new temples and monuments.

Curia, where were the meetings of the Roman Senate, was laid under Julius Caesar in the 40s BC Building repeatedly burned, and in 630 Honorius I converted it into a Church.Hadrian, who was also destroyed. The Curia is a rectangular building with four huge pylons at the corners, performing the role of buttresses and running along the same axis facades. From the main facade is a door and three large opening Windows for illumination. The roof is made of wood.

The temple of Antoninus and Faustina goes on the via Sacra. The Church building, erected in 141 year reached us in a state of good preservation due to the fact that in the early middle ages in its structure, was built the Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda. Now to the temple stairs with brick altar in the center. Pronaos opening an entrance to the temple is formed by Corinthian columns of marble with veins - six on the front and two side. Some of the columns are engraved the images of the deities; on the frieze - griffins and floral motifs.

Many ancient sources give a variety of information about the via Sacra, but its original route still cannot install, besides, it has undergone great changes due to the development of urban construction works. There are also many versions of interpreting the name "Sacred". So, Varro explains it by the fact that this road passed religious procession; Festi allow such an interpretation, however, adds to her mythological episode, narrating the conclusion of the Holy Alliance between Romulus and Titus Tazeem, which allegedly happened here. In all likelihood, this name is due to the fact that along the road there were lots of ancient places of worship and structures.

Three massive cylindrical arch is all that remains of a huge Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius. Like other basilicas of the Forum, it was used for trials and the conduct of commercial Affairs.

Triumphal arch of Septimius Severus was erected in 203 ad to commemorate the decades of the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus. Arch of Titus was built under the Emperor Domitian in 81 year to commemorate the looting of Jerusalem by his father Vespasian and brother Titus for 13 years before that.

In the House of the vestal virgins lived priestesses of Vesta. This huge complex of 50 rooms was once connected with the temple of Vesta in the near vicinity. In the temple priestesses maintained fire, which was the symbol of eternity city.

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