Agora Photo: Agora

Agora was called in the Greek insurance market square, which was the place of ordinary meetings (they were also called Agora). Usually located in the city center area, Central city was the market divided into different types of goods on "circles" and government agencies. Typically, the Agora was surrounded by galleries, craft shops, temples, sometimes the statues erected around the square. Often the Agora was in the projection of a rectangular form, the edges of the columns were located. In the Agora there were many shops of various kinds. Very often, this area was the economic and administrative center of the city.

Agora in side is near side Museum. Up to our days it has remained only a few columns and foundations of the ancient temple.

In ancient times, in side were two of the Agora (square). One of the areas still exists today. Side was a major trading center. It housed a huge slave market. Especially the Agora in side was famous for its beautiful slaves.

Preserved Agora is located on the North-West colonnaded street and almost merges with the stage of the theatre. The entrance to it lies through the gate, having the name papilion (monumental colonnaded entrance), opposite today's Museum. It is surrounded on all sides by granite columns having their pedestals order "Atik-ion", and on top of order "Corinth". After architrave sloping wooden roof, and in the four corners of the Agora placed pedestals with statues (Exedra).

Around the South-West Exedra, merging with the stage of the theater, there was a monumental semi-circular design – toilets (Latium), covered with a vault. This is the only sufficiently preserved in Anatolia, very nicely decorated ancient toilet. He has twenty-four seats, its walls were covered with marble, and the floor mosaic. Sewage waste water was under the stone seat of the toilet, and ahead of her is an open water canal with fresh water to ensure cleanliness.

Agora at the time had two entrance gates, which were closed walls. Agora in side and all other structures were erected in the second century A. D. It was built specifically around the theatre, on the recommendation of Vitruvius - the ancient Roman architect, to the spectators in the theater could take shelter in case of sudden rainfall.

Near its South-East wall road, reaching the second Agora of the city. The shops on the sides of this street were destroyed during the construction of the wall Filipus of Atisa.

In the center of the square having the shape of a square, you can see traces of the round temple of the goddess of luck and chance TIHE. She, according to legend, ruled the fate of the city. In honor of the goddess, the temple was built with a place of worship, around it are columns with cornices.

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