Historical-memorial complex kollasyarvi Photo: Historical-memorial complex kollasyarvi

Suojärvi district was the scene of battles during the period of the Soviet-Finnish and the great Patriotic war. Fierce battles took place on the heights of kollasyarvi. Now the place of a memorial complex "kollasyarvi", located 30 kilometers from Suojarvi on the way to the village Loyola.

The area around Loumoli (near lake kollasyarvi) became the object of military action. Three times, in this place unfolded bloody battles: in the winter of 1939 - 1940, in the summer of 1941 at the onset of the German-Finnish troops and in June 1944 during the operation of the Soviet troops in the liberation of Karelia. These places are witnesses to the persistent courage of the Soviet and Finnish troops who died and not inferior to each other by the force of pressure and resistance. Significant Soviet and Finnish fortifications erected in the area of lake kollasyarvi.

Today there are only some traces of those fights: trenches, trenches, bunkers, dugouts, bunkers. Evidence of fierce fighting opponents - many of the graves and their signs. On site there is, according to one 15 graves where the ashes of the dead Finnish and Soviet soldiers, the other to 60 graves. Part of them is a burial complex consisting of several graves (military mass graves).

The formation of this complex began in 1942. Initiative forest management Finland it was decided to open access to places of memory "Winter battle". Among them was kollasyarvi, at altitudes of which was heavy fighting.

On the pristine and rugged landscape preserved deep trenches where the soldiers were hiding from bullets; dots - where were firing at the enemy; ditches - are blocking the road tanks. The remains of these structures vividly recreates the fierce battles of that time.

Its final resting place on the Karelian land found Finnish, German and Russian soldiers. Now there are memorable characters in different languages. There is a place for flowers and you can light a candle. A special Commission in the course of work produced reburial Finnish soldiers and established a memorial to fallen soldiers — 18-meter cross Call, nicknamed as the "Cross of Mannerheim".

Kollasyarvi is the sacred place for the Finns today. Loumoli visit former combatants and relatives of the fallen soldiers of Finland on the call. Fighting recreated today in the battle scenes of the lovers of the history of the war and members of military historical clubs. Having been in this dramatization, unwittingly plunge into the atmosphere of those years and begin to look at the course of the war. Communication with veterans of the military actions, gives an extraordinary experience.

Local search parties active in the search for the remains of fallen soldiers and their disposal, the collection of evidence of war time and materials archives.

Festival of history "Karelian borders" is held annually in March and is a tradition of the inhabitants of the Republic and guests from abroad. Every year attracts a lot of people wanting to see a reconstruction of the battles of the Winter war.

Nowadays, the results of many years of searchers and researchers are available for residents of Russia and foreign guests. Fraternal Union contacts soldiers who fought in Finland. The youth of Loumoli are involved in the search party. All the findings of the squad are stored in the school Museum. Assume that you create a Museum exhibition of finds volunteers for the search party Loumoli.

The entire Complex occupies 3, 1 thousand hectares and to preserve the natural landscape in its surrounding area created a protected environment, which includes the lands of historic and cultural significance. Planned and executed several events, providing a convenient visits to historical sites in Loumoli. One of them is ensuring the safety of the military action. Also, in order to ensure that Complex organized excursions, settling in the bus, cleared and laid footpaths and bridges across the river and trenches.

Important and information provision — direction to the objects of the inspection, signs of footpaths, information boards and the circuit area with the location of the historic military installations. Complex, as the object of the history of the war, needs scientific support, and historical objects of the war, Sharon was required reconstruction and improvement.

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