The former Palace of Alexander I Photo: the Former Palace of Alexander I

A relatively small one-storey building with a basement in Taganrog on architectural complexity and size does not belong to the category of Palace buildings. But in the understanding of local residents and visiting tourists it definitely has historical status, as it has all its signs – there is a monument, a historical person, historical event.

Is the Palace on the street of Greek and architectural style refers to the provincial classicism of the beginning of the NINETEENTH century. According to archival documents, in 1811 plot with old house Greek street acquired Semyon Nikolaev – captain of the Russian troops. The old building it was demolished and in its place put elongated one-storey house with a basement designed for passing visitors. Later the house was owned by the mayor of Taganrog major-General Pyotr Papkov A., which, after renovation, was able to profitably sell its urban construction Committee for the enormous price - 52 thousand.

Given that almost one building with fifteen rooms had the necessary outbuildings: outbuilding, cellar, stables, storage, carriage shed, it was decided to use as a residence for visiting dignitaries.

In the early NINETEENTH century, the South of Russia has gained popularity among court personages. In 1816 stayed here as visitors, the future Emperor Nicholas I, a year later in 1817, the youngest of four brothers Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Pavlovich, in 1820, the hero of Patriotic war of 1812, General Raevsky. But the most memorable visit took place two years earlier, when, in 1818, on his way from little Russia (now Ukraine), arrived at the Emperor Alexander I. Spring in Taganrog the Emperor was greatly pleased, and this could not fail to notice the courtiers. But the visit was very short and to the fate of the house is not affected. But the second visit of Alexander I reflected on the fate of the building is positive: for a more thorough preparation of the visit and the organization worthy of the Imperial family, the renovation of the building and training were engaged by the court architect Charlemagne. He cited the building in proper form and take care of a more luxurious interior, because the Emperor came in for an extended period with a sickly wife.

Immediately on the arrival of Alexander with his entourage stopped here, occupying two rooms, and the rest from the end of September is the Empress with the maid of honor valuewas and Princess Volkonskaya. On spent to repair the 25 thousand rubles Charlemagne had built a hall for receptions, marching Church and cloakroom on the ground floor. The Emperor had big plans for the completion and development of this place, creating the garden, the construction of the second floor, but his plans were not destined to happen. Yielding to the entreaties of the Governor of new Russia of count Vorontsov, he visited his estate in the Crimea and in early November he returned to Taganrog absolutely sick. Two weeks later, he died, being in this same residence.

In February 1826 the Governor of Taganrog received a notice from the Imperial court that Elizaveta Alekseevna, wife of the deceased Emperor wants to buy a house in memory of her husband. Was compiled an inventory of the property left in the "house of the Empress in Taganrog", the entire layout had to remain unchanged, becoming in the exhibition, Recalling the stay of the Emperor. So in Taganrog there was a Museum to the memory of Alexander I – the first memorial Museum in Russia. At the gate he stood guard Museum, the building is maintained at the expense of the Imperial court.

In 1837 the Palace was visited by the future heir to the throne Alexander II with his mentor Zhukovsky, and in 1870 his son, the future Emperor Alexander III, in 1872 – re Alexander II being on the throne with the Empress Maria Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Sergei and Paul Alexander. Life Palace enjoyed the attention of visitors and locals. Every visitor had to sign the book of visitors of the Palace, among them are the names of many famous writers, artists, statesmen: V. A. Zhukovsky, I. K. Aivazovsky, Esenin, A. A. Durov, the people's Commissar of enlightenment Anatoly Lunacharsky, just collected 40 volumes book reviews! The interior of the Palace remained virtually unchanged for over a hundred years.

The house-Museum was under Imperial patronage before the revolution of 1917, and after his story began a new difficult phase. In 1930 the head of the town Museum, was appointed Latvian Rifleman Otto Lapin, within a few months he destroyed former Museum of Alexander I, the furniture and the value of the Palace Church were sold, memorial rooms were turned into communal apartments. The materials held here since 1825 have been lost. After 1960, the building housed the children's TB sanatorium, later Nephrology nursing home.
Since 2009 began a new phase in the history of the Palace began its reconstruction and revival in the status of the memorial Museum, reminding us of the personality of Alexander I.

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