Mount Kinabalu is located in the northeast of the island of Borneo in Sabah. This is the highest point of the country and the highest peak between the Himalayas and New Guinea. In her honor named the capital of Sabah is Kota Kinabalu, which is located at the foot of the mountains.

If you climb to the mountain peak, You will be an impressive sight — night views of the city from height of bird's flight. The mountain is revered as the abode of the souls of the dead ancestors of the islanders. Nearby, above the sea, are 25 caves where swallows nest. The caves were once the tombs of the tribe of idahoev, and now here in the spring and fall produce the swallow's nest. Produced by danger to the life of the nests are sold in Euala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong, where they prepare exotic soups.

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