Tower Frankenstorm Photo: The Tower Of Frankenstorm

Tower Frankenstorm is one of three surviving houses in Trier-fortresses, representing a residential building with a special defensive features. Despite the fact that the tower was built in the 11th century, several centuries after the fall of the Roman domination, in its appearance, the materials used and the way masonry is clearly visible traditional Roman style.

Tower Frankenstorm is a rectangular structure with alternating brick and stone masonry. As in other houses-fortresses of Trier, the entrance to the tower was located on the second floor, accessible only with added wooden stairs. In case of danger, the ladder was raised and the tower was impregnable. Researchers proved the existence of at least seven similar defensive of residential structures in the medieval Trier.

The name of the house was in the 14th century in honour of its owner Frank von Senhime. Then, in 1308 first five-storey tower was partially demolished, leaving only 2, 5 floors under a flat roof. Some time lived in the house the officials of the bishops of Trier. In 1938 the building was reconstructed, in particular, added the battlements on the roof. In 2006-2007 was carried out an extensive restoration of the tower Frankenstorm through private donations of citizens. Currently the building is used for various city events and is rented for private events.

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