Gorge Photo: Gorge "Wolf's gate"

Gorge "Wolf's gate" is located just three kilometers from the town of Tuapse, in the valley of the Spider. It should be noted that the ravine occur on the territory of the Caucasus is quite often, so called because it is narrow sections of rivers with many twists and turns, where while hunting drove the wolves.

Gorge near Tuapse formed sheer cliffs of Sandstone. The approximate age of the gorge is 150 million years old. It was once the bottom of an ancient sea, whose waters and formed a deep hollow. It is noteworthy that passing through "Wolf's gate" can be seen as black rocks, a height of about twenty meters, and completely white. Interesting is the fact that the river is a Spider in these places has a very tortuous course, although the composition of the rocks along the gorge of the same. This natural anomaly scientists are still not solved.

The length of the gorge is small – only fifty meters, however, it attracts numerous tourists with pristine beauty. This location is also six-meter waterfall with a large and deep pool in which to swim, and a few short, but very scenic waterfalls. The slopes of the gorge create different kinds of ferns, vines, oaks, chestnuts and hornbeams.

To see the "Wolf's gate", please click on one of the tour routes along the slope of the ridge, or down to the riverbed, Spider. In the second case, the route will pass through the bottom of the gorge, but this way is freely passable and open to tourists.

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