Historical Museum Photo: Historical Museum

Local history Museum located in the centre of Tuapse, is one of the cultural attractions of the region. Near the Museum there is a wooden Church in the name of the Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia, St. Alexius, and before the entrance stands an ancient dolmen.

The Museum was in February 1946 by the decision of the Tuapse Executive Committee. The first archaeological excavations in the Tuapse district were initiated by the Museum in the 1950s Led by Professor N. In. Anfimova.

The exhibition presents visitors with all the stages of development of the city. This Museum has three exhibition halls, a total area of 505 sq. m. the Museum contains valuable collections, among which special attention is ethnographic, archaeological and numismatic collections.

Visiting archaeological exhibition, visitors to the historical Museum can learn more about the complex findings (testimonies) about Zikh burial the Competition, the early middle ages; the tomb complex Psyme, early bronze, the last quarter of the III Millennium BC; a collection of implements of primitive people, the Paleolithic.

Ethnographic collection presents clothing, furniture, household items, accessories, musical instruments of the Circassians in the late XIX - XX century, household items and tools of immigrants - Ukrainians, Russians, Moldovans, Armenians in the late XIX - early XX centuries; personal items and uniforms of officers and soldiers of the red Army.

As for numismatic collections, there you can see ancient coins, coins XIX century award, commemorative coins, various award medals and much more. Also Tuapse historical Museum stores important documents reflecting the history of the city.

Museum visitors have the opportunity to explore a special exhibition from the Museum: "a Butterfly fluttering flower, Shells and corals". The 55-summer anniversary of victory in the great Patriotic war was held re-exposition – "Tuapse defensive operation", which attracted the attention of many people.

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