Memorial Museum of N. And. Beloborodov Photo: Memorial Museum of N. And. Beloborodov

Memorial Museum of N. And. Beloborodov is only in the Tula region music Museum. It was opened in Tula, Lenin Avenue, in memory of the famous countryman, who invented the chromatic harmonica and created the world's first orchestra of accordionists.

Nikolai Beloborodov was born in 1828 in Tula. His father, Ivan Matveevich, was the Manager of the estate of Medvance the landlords Kologrivovyh; mother was from hereditary gunsmiths, she died after the birth of Nicholas. Nicholas taught literacy Sexton of the local parish Church. But the study did not last long, because his father Nicholas decided that he need to be able to read it and sign your name to it.

With 11 years old boy started playing the accordion. First, it is played on a single-row diatonic harmonica. Beloborodov had outstanding ability and decided to study music seriously. In his house was going accordion masters — working state factory. They played together, competed on pereiras. The tone is similar to the improvised rehearsals were asked Nikolai. But the primitiveness of the accordion severely limited the performance. Nikolai Beloborodov wanted to redo the voice harmonics so that it was possible to perform classical music. N. And. Beloborodov had the idea to create a new model harmonics.

In 1875, Nikolai Ivanovich together with accordion master L. A. Calcuim produced experimental tool. It was taken diatonic doradca. Beloborodov added to the first row, second from the midtones. Keyboard harmonics was similar to a piano, but the grouping of the keys was a little different – after a white key black.

The world's first chromatic harmonica was designed in the spring of 1878 the Experience Beloborodov was successful. Harmonica was arranged in an unusual way: the narrow body there were six rows of laths. Three voices sounded at the same time. Role played resonator chamber, where there were new overtones due to the refraction of sound waves, which created a juicy and soft sounding. The creation of chromatic harmonicas had a strong influence on the further development of the reed-pneumatic keyboard instruments.

After some time, N. And. Beloborodov ordered production of two chromatic harmonicas, after which he established family trio, which in addition to himself included his two daughters: Sophia and Maria. The trio successfully performed at many charity events that led Nikolai Ivanovich on the idea of creating a larger musical group.

In 1880-1890-ies Beloborodov left his service and began to study music theory and chord structure using local Maestro di Cappella: Sharova and Buzovkina. Among domestic harmonica Beloborodov first mastered musical notation.

Not just to Beloborodov, there came representatives of the company "Kalbe", producing the best Viennese harmonic, offering to sell a patent on a chromatic harmonica. But Nikolai didn't sell their offspring abroad.

In 1885-1886, working ammunition and weapons factories Beloborodov created the first worldwide "Orchestra circle lovers for chromatic harmonica". This band was the first that played by musical scores. Among connoisseurs of professionalism harmonica was and Leo Tolstoy. Before him, the orchestra played in 1893 near the Oblique mountains in the country Beloborodov.

The first public performance of the orchestra was held in February of 1897 It was held in the Nobility of Tula. Then the orchestra Beloborodov constantly toured and performed in Serpukhov, Kaluga, Voronezh, Orel and other Russian cities.

In the Museum Beloborodov fully reflected cultural music scene Tula early 20th century In the Museum you can see a variety of harmonics, including the famous Vienna, but the main exhibit is Tula "chromatic" harmonica, which was made by order N. And. Beloborodova in 1878 L. A. Calcuim. The Invention N. And. Beloborodov gave new meaning to the harmonics, which enabled Tchaikovsky to enter them in a Symphony orchestra.

The interior of the memorial rooms are decorated with posters, photographs, objects and furniture from the early 20th century, the Culmination of the exhibition is to acquaint you with reproducing musical sounds times Beloborodov applicable gramophone and harmonium.

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