Veneration during chapel in Zavidovo Photo: chapel cross bearing in Zavidovo

In a small village Zavidovo since ancient times has been preserved crosses made of stone. In the past wooden or stone crosses can often be seen, because they may have served as chapels. Some of the crosses had special niches, where you can place a lamp, an icon or container to collect donations. Every time you walk past a similar cross, the travelers stayed and prayed. Even today you can see the famous Zavidovo cross, located near the village.

The most famous cross was in 1899 – it was at this time a young man decided to abuse him, what then very much regretted enough to get himself killed. This story was described in the newspaper "the Moscow paper", which could not fail to touch all readers. It is known that this man's friends went to the village Zavidovo, on the way in which they noticed a large wooden cross. All except Lebedev, took off their hats and began to pray to God by the cross, but only one of them swore at all and uttered blasphemous words. At this moment the young man felt a strong pain washing over feet. After coming to the village, he began to complain of acute debilitating pain, which every day grew stronger. The time came when he just couldn't get to his feet. Prayers to the poor sick and failed, because as soon as he was brought in Zavidovo, he died, without having waited for the priest. Reliability of results is fully confirmed by the testimonies that were recorded in the report of the death of Ilya Lebedev.

After that there is such a mysterious case to the memorial cross has become to go-a lot of people, not just the residents of Zavidovo, but also pilgrims from other cities, including Moscow. Many of them noted that after prayer felt refreshed and true grace. Good people decided to build directly over Holy cross, a small chapel, which received cross bearing the name.

Currently there is no information about why the installation Zavidovo cross. If you believe the local legend, the formation of the cross was in the period from 1610 to 1615 years on the very spot where he killed a large number of residents during the attack of the Polish invaders. There is another version, which tells of the miraculous healing of the young man that was held by Sergius of Radonezh, together with Metropolitan Cyprian in 1382 on the way to Tver.

Originally a memorial cross stood in the middle of the field, but over time houses increasingly upset, stretching to the West side from the Moscow highway – so a small chapel was on the edge of the narrow streets under the New name.

The entrance to the cross bearing the chapel is from the West. In the inner part is tall octagonal and made of oak cross, which rests on a stone Foundation. Obverse side of the cross is covered by cladding, made from wood with elegant embossed drawings of the moon, the Crucifixion, the Sun. At the top of the cross is the image of Christ the Saviour, made an incredibly beautiful and unusual.

Door veneration during the chapel is always open, so it can include everyone who wants to pray. To worship the Holy cross, the pilgrims come here at any time of the day or night. The overwhelming amount of people flock here by the third week of Lent or veneration during this week.

If you follow tradition, 27 September, marking the feast of the exaltation Even life-giving cross of the Lord, in the Church of the Dormition of the Lord is the divine Liturgy, which was conducted by his Eminence Archbishop Kashinsky and Tver Victor. After the Liturgy, usually in religious procession taking place in a festive atmosphere with a cross, Holy icons and banners and accompanied by a choir. The ceremony takes place near veneration during the chapel – it is here the Lord makes a prayer, after which the ceremony is ended.

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