The Church Of The AP. John, on the Isle of Patmos Photo: Church Of The AP. John, on the Isle of Patmos

The Church Of The AP. John on Patmos – Orthodox Church, located in a picturesque place - Katun on the island of Patmos in the village of Chemal. It is a wooden copy of the first Orthodox temple of Chemal, which has a very interesting and long history, however, as the island itself, not by chance called Patmos.

This place is special and sacred, it involves a lot of legends and mystical legends. According to one, the Evangelist revealed to John in a vision saw two hovering above the water temple. One of them is in the Mediterranean sea and the second in the Altai province.

Long-suffering historical path of the Orthodox Church began in 1849 On the site of the modern school here built a small chapel in the name of the Apostle John. The Church was consecrated in 1855, the Date of the consecration of the Bishop of Tomsk Parthenios immortalized on a rock historical inscription. Later the inscription was recreated on the iron plate, and located among the Katun river island began to wear the name of a Greek island in the Aegean sea, where there is a monastery in honor of the Apostle John.

In 20 years the Church building was severely dilapidated, resulting in the iconostasis of the Church was moved to a new building, consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas. In 1895 the former Church of St. John was consecrated for Orthodox house of worship in the name of all who sorrow the mother of God. In 1911, when the missionary Association was open religious community for women. The temple several times was abolished and transferred, and in 1920 it was destroyed.

Thanks to the efforts of the famous Moscow artist Vladimir Pavlov, the temple was recreated. His consecration took place in 2001

The island of Patmos and the temple are very popular among vacationers and tourists. To get to the island is possible by hanging on the ropes a narrow bridge, under which flows the river Katun. In temple shop, you can buy icons, crosses and Orthodox literature.

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