Bobruisk fortress Photo: Bobruisk fortress

Bobruisk fortress – a monument of architecture of XIX century. June 20, 1810, the Emperor Alexander 1 signed a decree on the construction of the fortress and approved her plan. She was built under the direction of Carl Opperman – ethnic German, but Russian citizen.

Superbly designed the plan of the fortress has been able to adapt all the features of the landscape and even old buildings. So, when building was used by the former Church of the Jesuits.

Bobruisk fortress was given an important place in the defense of the Russian Empire. It was assumed that it would become a springboard for the collection of troops, in case of an attack on the frontiers of Russia from the West. The fortress consisted of eight bastions, could accommodate 300 guns and more than 4 thousand soldiers.

The fortress was built with the whole country. Construction materials were supplied all Russian provinces. So, at the Eastern gate of the fortress there is an inscription: "From the Caucasus... delivered these things to the ground Belarusians. April 27 day 1811"

Bobruisk fortress was built by the end of 1811. The beginning of the war with Napoleon, she was almost completely ready. The fortress surrendered to the French in the war of 1812. Construction continued after the end of the war. In 1820 it was built Nagorno strengthening, named in honor of the Emperor of Prussia Fort Friedrich Wilhelm.

After the December uprising, Bobruisk fortress became the casemate. Political prisoners were exiled here, including the Decembrists, among them were V. Divov, M. Bodisco, S. Trusov, V. Norov.

During the great Patriotic War there was a large concentration camp. On the night of November 7, 1941, there were executed more than 7 thousand prisoners of war.

After the war, the castle fell into disrepair. In the early 50-ies it was decided Bobruisk fortress to carry, but strong wall, built of solid stone, weathered dynamite explosions.

In 2002 Bobruisk fortress was entered in the register of the State list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus. Currently there is a reconstruction of the fortress.

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