Broletto Photo: Broletto

Broletto is an old Italian word, leading his origin, probably from the language of the Celts. Originally it meant "small greenhouse" or "garden", and then this word came to be called "a field, surrounded by a wall". Another meaning of the word "broletto" - "the place where to administer justice". And it is this value explains why some buildings of Northern Italy are called Broletto – any in Milan, Brescia, Pavia, Piacenza, Como, Monza, Reggio Emilia, Novara and other cities.

Broletto Brescia is a complex of buildings, a Central element of which is a Palace with two courtyards, one wide and the second, slightly smaller dimensions and more modern. All together is the result of a consistent architectural transformations. The first mention of a kind of "administrative settlement" on this site refers to 1187-89-th years, when the rulers of the city was built next to the old Cathedral of San Pietro wooden Palace with a high stone tower – Torre del Popolo, also known as Torre del Pegol. Between 1223 and 1227 m years the building was rebuilt, this time of stone, somewhat increased in size and attached to him by some of his other buildings, the Torre Poncarale, whose rustic Foundation and can be seen today on the via Querini. In those years in the Broletto was the residence of the Podesta – the mayor and General Council – they occupied the South wing of the building, the facade of which was converted to the square. The same area was the original Loggia delle Grid, built in the 13th century. The huge Hall of the Council in accordance with the traditions was decorated with various frescoes, partly extant in the attic. The West wing Broletto in subsequent years was supplemented by a Gothic portico with pointed arches, and the North was closed by a wall.

Between 1295 and 1298 m years at the initiative of Berardo mudgee, Bishop of Brescia, for the expansion of the entire complex to the North, prior to the current street via Museums was elevated West wing Broletto and demolished the monastery of Santi Kozma e Damiano and the Church of Sant'agostino. The latter, however, in the 15th century was rebuilt with a Gothic facade. During the reign of Brescia clan Visconti Broletto suffered another rearrangements, and when Pandolfo III Malatesta was erected a portico with a groin vault. In 1414, the year for the decoration of the chapel of San Giorgio in Brescia was invited Gentile da Fabriano – unfortunately, in the 17th century his work was painted over, only fragments.

During the reign of the Venetian Republic in the 16th century Broletto was divided into a larger number of floors to create new spaces that could be used to resolve judicial issues. In those same years, in the Eastern part of the building was built a large staircase. In 1626, the year of the Podesta Andrea Da Lecce, ordered to divide the small Central Piazza Broletto into two parts and to build cross portico with seven arches, rolling in the loggia. And in the beginning of the 19th century there was a spiral staircase in the neoclassical style, is the creation of architect Leopoldo Pollack. The last major reconstruction Broletto occurred in 1902, the year when it was restored Loggia delle Grid, demolished in the mid 19th century as a symbol of state oppression.

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