The Church Of St. Pantaleone Photo: Church Of St. Pantaleone

The Church of the Holy Pantaleone is located near the Cologne Cathedral and is among the major basilicas of the city, administered by the special Fund for support of Romanesque churches. Historians say that the first written mention of this Basilica dates from 866 a year, and in 995 year here is based Benedictine monastery thanks to the efforts of Archbishop Bruno.

The Church of the Holy Pantaleone is among the most ancient spiritual structures of the city, the first relics inside were brought during the reign of the Carolingian dynasty. Up to the present time preserved some fragments of statues and sculptures that were created in the X century. The entire Western part of the temple along with the lobby survived in its original form.

Originally this temple was one-nave Church, but in 1160 it was rebuilt into a three-nave Basilica. After significant expansion and construction of the fortifications of Cologne, the Church was in the city. With the first half of the XVII century in the architectural style of a structure of a metal are the elements of the Baroque, from such parts hitherto preserved decoration of the choir, as well as the back of the body.

In 1757 the Church of the Holy Pantaleone in a state of disrepair, for this reason it was decided to demolish her towers on the sides and build the other, but smaller in size and height. Subsequently, the Basilica was used as stables and garrison Church. During the period of hostilities of the XX century the Church was damaged by shelling and bombing, but as a result of the restoration was able to restore its initial appearance in the Romanesque style, with some Baroque elements.

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