Caucasian state nature biosphere reserve Photo: Caucasian state nature biosphere reserve

Caucasian state nature biosphere reserve – the largest mountain forest reserve in Europe and one of the oldest reserves in Russia, founded in may 1924 Total area of 280 hectares, the reserve occupies land of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar territory. A huge role in the organization of the Caucasus reserve played H. G. Shaposhnikov, former Forester of the Belorechensky forestry Kuban hunting.

In February 1979 the Caucasus nature reserve received the status of biosphere, and in 1999 its territory was inscribed on the world heritage list.

In the Caucasian state nature biosphere reserve is home to about 89 species of mammals, 15 species of reptiles, 248 species of birds, 9 species of amphibians, 21 species of fish, 1 species of cyclostomes, over 100 species of mollusks and more than 10 thousand species of insects. Flora of the Caucasus nature reserve has about 3 thousand species. The dominant family: Asteraceae (223 species), ground (108), Poaceae (114), legumes (82) and many others. Forest flora includes over 900 species, some of which can be found also in mountain-meadow zone. Only on the territory of the reserve there are more than 800 species of Alpine plants. Trees and shrubs there are 165 species, including evergreen, deciduous -16 species, deciduous - 142 and coniferous – 7 species.

Flora of the Caucasus reserve is characterized by the presence of the ancient of representatives and of species with limited distribution. Every fifth plant reserve, endemic, or relic. The originality of the flora of the reserve give orchids (about 30 species), ferns (over 40 species), evergreen species and other ornamental plants. 55 plant species of the reserve are listed in the Red book of Russia.

Special unique mountainous landscape of the reserve gives numerous lakes (more than 120). Some areas of the reserve are a karst landscape with many caves are not uncommon and glaciers.

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